The man and his maniacs. . .

 America's Wayward Man-Child

I turned on the television this morning to the sounds of Trump's "mouthpiece" arguing with the judge in open court about why Trump should be allowed to threaten judges, court personnel, prosecutors and all of their families. Think about that for a minute!

It's 2023 and we're still in some kind of a democracy, aren't we? And our rule of law is still in force. . . isn't it?

The chaos that this one authoritarian and insane man has put us through since Jan. 20, 2017 has been profoundly debilitating to our nation and its people. We have been stretched about as far as possible.

To actually watch a mentally deranged individual try to bring down the greatest democracy on the face of the planet was not on anyone's radar. I must be fair in assessing blame, however. It has taken the majority of the Republican Party to assist in the endeavor. 

Worst of all - the man and his maniacs are still alive and still trying to bring down our nation!

America, it's time to get off our butts and remove the problem.



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