The war has been announced, the battle plans have been set. . .

His Next Rule Over All?

If his destiny doth prevail, the world will quake in its orbit as the quasi-dictator makes yet another appearance. While his natty attire is frayed around the edges, his blood-thirsty promise of retribution still smolders under the surface. His evil still lurks and his plans for total domination and death of our democracy is always fresh in his mind. 

His promise for the next time he ascends to the throne include the gathering of "those departments that will give him total authority over his enemies and political opponents. The thought of such a person to hold dominion over all of us is not only frightening, but it is the recipe for a total authoritarian rule.

When pundits speak of such fears on television, the response is always the same: "Balderdash!"

It isn't of course balderdash. . . it is honest-to-God truth! And the sooner we realize it, the better off we'll be. He came close to prosecuting a coup of our government and the overturning of our election. Think about it!

Today, he has even more supporters from the MAGA/Republican Party to march with him. These "enemies of America" smell blood in the water and have become true believers of his cause.  His popularity is measured by his 40%+ lead over any other presidential candidate in his Party.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall --but I do expect it will cease to be divided."  Pres. A. Lincoln  (1858)

Many, many members of the the MAGA/Republican Cult are actively plotting an overthrow of the next election if they lose. Election officials are being threatened daily and a bevy of laws have been passed in many states to make voting harder for people. The entire process of rigging our elections has been underway since 2020. 


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