So many Conspiracy Theories to boggle the mind. . .

Sixty years ago today, a "another day that will live in infamy" occurred in Dallas, Texas.  President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed during a ride with his wife, the Texas Governor and his wife, in a motorcade through town. 

Many details of that day have been chewed to pieces by umpteen television specials and books. The most enduring thing for me, however, is the gigantic impression it made on the mind of this twenty-five-year-old kid. Not the precise event, perhaps, but the media and political coverage that lasted for seemingly months. We all looked for answers. We all wanted to know who - and why.

Here we are, sixty years later, and we still have no solid answers to hang our hats on. There are, of course,  unanswerable happenings that today we would call "conspiracy theories." And, it's commonplace for politicians to threaten other people who stand in their way. Today, our rule of law is bent, stapled, and mutilated by biased, politically-appointed judges and high-priced attorneys who will be happy to bend and stretch the truth for a client. It's a cruel new world.

So, what stuck with me the most is why would someone shoot our  president - and why?  Well, the "why" will never be answered and "who" seems to be iffy, at best.  Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested but he was shot and killed while in police custody by a man named Jack Ruby. Ruby is also deceased and we didn't get a chance to hear his story, as well. A cover-up? By today's standards, it would be a lulu!

Regardless, my life was forever changed and I suddenly had a craving to learn much more about our government and what is happening that someone isn't telling us. 

How can this be happening within the walls of the "shinning city on the hill?" Who is really running things around here?

So, today, sixty years later we still have few answers to the real story of the Kennedy assignation - only more stories. 

. . . and many, many more conspiracies are clogging up our ability to cope!



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