Mr. Blowfish is on a rampage. . .

Mr. Blowfish is telling us every day and in every speech how he is going to bring great retribution upon his adversaries who have turned on him as he outlines his next term of office. In order to succeed, he will bring into the Executive Branch the Department of Justice. That will give him total control over who he can send to prison! He will than gag our national media and produce his own distribution of lies.

If you go to your history books, you will read how every one of the world's authoritarians began their drive for power in the very same way. While we have been told that Mr. Blowfish doesn't read much, there are a bevy of Republicans who are, evidently, more than anxious to tell him what to say and what to do.

How many of us are there to make sure he doesn't succeed?


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