Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The $64 Million Dollar Question...

    Have you ever wondered what the president had in mind when he dropped on us the phrase "Make America Great Again?"  More specifically, the word "Again" is what bothers me the most.  Just what period in America's past is he referring to?

    Is he thinking about the good ol' days before our Civil War? 

    Pre-Civil War thinking would make sense since we know he is a believer in White Supremacy and has real issues with people of color.  In those dark times, Donald Trump would have fit right in with those who believed people of color were considered only three-fifths of a person and white folks were allowed to "own" them. 

    Is that the "Make America Great AGAIN" era Trump had in mind? 

    Maybe his mind skipped through his dreams of honeysuckle and cotton fields on his daddy's big plantation, where he dined on the best food, sipped mint juleps, and frolicked with the debutantes while the slaves broke their backs bringing in the cash crops.

    Other than these pre-Civil War years, what other time would have captured his fancy?

    After all, America has always been great!

    Sure, we have had struggles, but we always came through them even stronger than before.  Even those terrible years of our "war between the states" when we lost so many of our fellow Americans.  If we could survive and grow from those heart-wrenching times, we can endure anything.

    But a coup by Trump, his family, inner-circle of thugs, and Republicans who support him are, indeed, a handful of misery.  It is my opinion that if the principals in this onslaught were all we had to face, it would be a relatively quick and easy battle.  We know all to well, however, it isn't the only enemy.

    The real enemy right now is the multitude of their supporters in congress and around the country who can't see the crime-ridden forest for the lying trees.  They see things as they wish them to be - not as they truly are.

    So, what did he mean by "Make America Great Again?" 

    Just what time in our past is he trying to replicate?

    More importantly, are we going to let him?



Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Morning To Live In Infamy...

   Donald J. Trump and his mob of Republican Minions in Congress have crossed a line that dare not be tolerated. 
    Since the day this president was sworn into office, he and his party have become insufferable.  They hit the ground hard and have become more surly with each passing month.  They fought any law they didn't like and changed those laws that got in their way.  They have been on a vicious attack with anyone who disagreed with them or got in their way.
    But this morning, October 23, 2019, a mob of Republican House Members, who were not allowed access, stormed a Committee Room that was holding a secure, closed door  session.  They barged in with their individual phones/cameras in hand.  (Such equipment is completely off limits in the room because of highly sensitive data - and sometimes witnesses -  on display there.)
    It has been reported that the illegal entrance was planned a week ago and some reports say the president was aware of the mob's intentions.  Regardless of whether he knew or not, the mob was certainly doing his bidding.  The plan was to disrupt the Impeachment Inquiry that is underway.
    As to the impeachment itself, there is sufficient reports of solid evidence already gleaned from credible witnesses to charge the president with abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and cover-ups.
    These minions are showing their desperation, and by acting as a mob, are further helping to sink their ill-fated leader.  One can only assume that they believe if they scatter enough bull manure, confusion will win the day. 
    Of course, one could assume that, but anyone who assumes they know anything that is going on with Republicans these days is a special kind of fool.   As a matter of fact, I truly doubt that any folks in Washington D.C. knows what's going on. 
To say we are at a dark time and place in America
is a bigly understatement.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oh! What tangled webs they wove...

An Opinion By
John Watson
It's coming apart like you would
peel an onion, layer by ugly, deceitful layer.
    Soon, the lying will become inconsequential.  The truth will seep into the minds of once-faithful supporters, and the layers of deceit will fall away as though they never really meant to fool any of us, anyway.
    We must address this president and his administration for what it is today, and maybe since it first entered our White House:  Probably the most corrupt gaggle of swamp dwellers in our illustrious history.
    America spent nearly fifty million dollars trying to unravel the Russian interference in our 2016 Presidential Election.  Every intelligence agency in our country declared they were satisfied that the perpetrators were guilty.  The Mueller Investigation drew a road map to indict the president and others of the criminal acts, because he was under orders that he, himself, could not make the indictment.  That would be up to Congress.
    However, horror of horrors, a mere few months after the conclusion of that investigation, the White House "criminal wise guys" cranked up a Ukraine fiasco to begin trading aid for dirt on the president's presumed number-one competitor in the 2020 Presidential Election!
   "Will they ever learn," you ask?   
    With the GOP in the U. S. Senate holding the reins, they thought they were home free and that would be about all of the learnin' they'd need.
    But hold on, horsefly, there's so much more...it was leaked yesterday that the President is making three or so calls a day to the Senate Majority Leader, Moscow Mitch, checking on how his GOP  members' loyalty factor is holding.
    Today, the dam sprung more leaks.  That crazy old Rudy G., once of attorney and mayor fame, and countless other cretins in the swamp, are in big trouble and are all sinking fast. 
    The layers are coming off faster and faster, and that big ol' onion is beginning to make my eyes tear up. 
    But, that's tears of joy, folks.  Just tears of joy.
    Stay tuned...there's bound to be more to come.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The GOP's Titanic-Two is in the Ice Field...

    The Grand Old Party set sail with their President who was unsure of their course and unaware of the calamitous ice field ahead.  This neophyte captain was on his first such voyage and remarked to his crew, "Compass? I don't need no stinkin' compass!"
    And thus began the four-year voyage of insanity.
    From the moment they cast off, the narcissistic nincompoop in charge told the people on the shore his first whopper of a lie:  "We will have so many wins along the way that you will get sick of winning."
   And sick they got...but not of winning.

   According to the log of one of the crew, the nights got darker, the water got colder, and the icebergs became bigger.  They knew they were in troubled waters, but no one could explain it to the cantankerous captain.  His retort was always the same:  "I will see us through...I am a stable genius."

   But the mother of all icebergs was dead ahead.

   The captain was about to meet his match:  "Uncle" Joe Biden.  "Uncle" Joe is an exact opposite of our self-acclaimed "stable genius."  He is a calming force in the sea of turmoil.  He has tenacity, but he has respect.  He has years of experience and wisdom instead of feigned intelligence.  He has his country at heart, not his personal bank account.  He has a warm handshake for his allies and a stern warning for his adversaries.  And he has the support of the people at home.  He is the iceberg our "stable genius" does not want to tangle with.

    The captain is in over his head and floundering from one corrupt crisis to another.  His crew, in order to show support, is finding it necessary to swallowing more lies than sea water.

   Finally, the Biden-berg is dead ahead.  

   The crew of Titanic-Two has two choices:  Support their demented dimwit to the bitter end... or jump ship. 

    I'm betting most of them already have their life jackets in easy reach.

    As for the "stable genius," he'll tell the fake news he is just stopping to take on a little ice.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

You Can't Unring a Bell...

    Once you hear the lies, you can't unhear them.  You can look away, you can say you didn't hear them, you can refuse to admit you heard what everybody else heard...but you can't unhear them!
     That's the world the Trump supporters live in today.

    They are a curious lot.  I sometimes think I spend more time trying to understand how their thought process works than trying to figure how the mind of their "great omnipotent one" manages to mosey through each day.

    I understand these folks voted for him for a variety of reasons:  (1) he was a Republican, (2) he was not Hillary, (3) he was probably going to kick a lot of ass for submitting everyone to eight years of "rule by a man of color," (4) he talked tough about building a wall to keep out all of those "brown people" who are gangs of rapists and thugs, and (5) he was going to abolish all of those fool ideas that liberals have about abortions, gays, women, blacks, and anyone who doesn't think or look like him.

    You know, all of those "un-American things." 

    The emperor certainly has no clothes and he is certainly an admitted White Nationalist.  Many say he is also a White Supremacist.  A small difference when you are speaking of the President of the United States.

    But, back to these curious supporters.  They hear all of the lies he tells.  They hear about his beliefs that our constitution should be rewritten.  They, too, have trouble seeing him as the leader of the greatest democracy of all time.

    So why do they still follow this guy who believes he is a legend in his own mind?  

    Maybe...just maybe, because they don't know how to say they made a big, fat mistake.  Maybe because they are just hoping he'll "see the light" one day.

   Or, maybe they're just hoping he'll sprout wings and fly away.

    But I'm betting hell will freeze over and we'll all be selling Popsicles on street corners before they admit to anything.

    Remember this:  The bell has been rung.  The only way forward is straight through our legal system.  And don't count on the election to solve anything because the Russians are already working on that again.  Mueller gave Congress a road map to solve the problem.  Crimes have been committed and the evidence is in the hands of the prosecutors.  Hard, believable evidence. 

    It's just a matter of whether his followers want to accept the laws of our land...or their political rhetoric. 

    Right now, the Republicans are ignoring our constitution.




Thursday, September 5, 2019

"A Tarnished City on the Rocks"

Once a city filled with light,
Full of hope and shinning  bright.
Now decaying, dark and still;
No more shining from that hill.
    That "shinning city on a hill" President Reagan spoke of is but a dim and distant memory.
    America has lost her way.
Opinion by
John Watson
    We can blame Donald J. Trump for the backward tumble and careless loss of global prestige.  We can blame him for a fatal assault on our  credibility that equals any in recent memory.  We can blame him for why people in America and around the world no longer believe anything our government says or does.  And we can blame him for refusing to admit to himself and his countrymen that he is unfit to do the job.
   We can blame him for all of those things and more.  But we must ultimately blame ourselves for electing him, supporting him, and - most importantly - allowing him to continue as our supposed leader.
    Winston Churchill spoke of "England's darkest hour."  Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke of that "day of infamy."
   And one day someone will speak of "America's wayward and perverse travel into the dark side."
   Who will that statesman or stateswoman be that has the courage to stand up and lead the charge to set things right?  Who will speak for all who cares? 
   Who will ignore politics and speak only as an American?

Sunday, August 25, 2019

America, we need to talk...

The only thing more exhausting than having a mental illness is pretending like you don't.
    Two prominent psychiatrists appeared on television this morning to discuss what they consider a most serious topic:  The state of mind of our president.  They represent two of the top universities in the country.
    One considers Donald J. Trump unstable and grossly inept to discharge the duties of the office he holds.  She considered him mentally ill and should be removed from office for that reason.
    The other considers the president evil, narcissistic, and a man unable to tell the truth.  He believes Trump should be voted out of office because of those reasons.
    Both of these people are held in high esteem in their field and both agree that America elected a man who has undeniable and serious character flaws. 
    The problem we, as Americans, face today is that only a few know what to do about it.  Any of those who are qualified to know will be ignored out of hand.  Our nation appears to be stymied.  Most of those who voted for him refuse to admit their mistakes, whether out of pride or political faithfulness.  Conversely, those who cry for accountability are drowned out by chants of "enemy of the people" and "fake news."
    Let us be clear of one thing:  The mental status of our president is not a figment of any one's imagination.  It is real, it is accurately diagnosed, and it is serious!  We all have been witness to his pathological lying, childish attacks on anyone who disagrees with him, and countless temper tantrums.
   I would urge all media to spend more time on revealing the truth of this critical and dangerous problem.  The voices of current and former statesmen are telling us the President of the United States is out of control and - worse yet - his actions are deteriorating.
    It is bad enough that we must live with this...but the whole world is living with it as well.  They are asking, "What happened to America?" 
    What happened, indeed?

Friday, August 9, 2019

No One Is Above the Law...

Political Cartoon by John Cole
   We have heard, seen, and read - to a sickening degree -  all of the ugly things that have come out of the mouth of our president.   And, we have also heard and read - ad nauseam - from television and newspaper folks as they re-run the ugliness over and over.
   There is little filth and nastiness that is left for the man to say that could further convince or enlighten even the weakest of his supporters to move away from him.
   We are like a nation adrift on a sea of troubled water and the denizens of the deep are circling beneath and around us.  We have built our nation on the concept that we are strong enough to handle any problem that confronts us.  And yet, we find ourselves embroiled in a dilemma of partially our own choosing that appears to have no solution.

   We have found ourselves adrift with a captain who is uneducated, immoral, arrogant and obnoxious, a pathological liar, and totally unfit to be President of the United States.

   Rather than keep chewing and regurgitating the same flaws of this man, we should be looking for the closest shore and begin paddling like hell!

   We need to convince his followers of their blind allegiance and their unwillingness to perceive the terrible course they are setting for our nation.  And, we will never reach a safe harbor if we let them continue to chart our path through these treacherous and sometimes-treasonous waters.

   These things are what our media should be focusing on with earnest.  Television and newspaper outlets across the country should be flooding the land with fact-checked truths about this administration's diabolical ideas of ruling the once-greatest country on the face of the earth.  We can't allow anyone to stand and say that truth doesn't matter anymore.  We can't allow anyone to stand and say law and order doesn't matter anymore. 

   And we can't allow anyone to stand and say they are above the law!


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Sanctimonious Elephants, Indeed...

An Opinion by John Watson

   The "Sanctimonious Elephant of the Oval Office" is knee-deep in hypocrisy and two-faced attitude.

   And that's just his good side.

   There is, tucked away in a morbid corner of the brain of a racist, a place where pure evil dwells.  Their perception is that people of color should leave the world of white people and "go back where they came from."  And if they came from the world of the whites, they should just "go somewhere else."  

   The nation and the world is fully aware of the wrath that the President of the United States and his partisan disciples have spewed upon the Earth.  We are also fully aware that we have viewed, listened, and read enough about it to fill us up to our chins.  But it appears we have few options other than bouncing him out of office in the 2020 election.  A least his base seems to be in no mood to give him up anytime sooner.

   It appears we will also need to get rid of a whole herd of congressional elephants who are "gumming up the works" of our democracy with their stubborn ignorance and inability to do their jobs.   And, worse, they are doing it with not a care about the rest of us nor a concern about the outcome.  They wear those damn rose-colored glasses that help them see "Ol' Number 45" as a mighty fine fellow while the rest of us see him as a pathological liar, and an indecent, unfit, uneducated, and grossly flawed human being.  

   Whether they don't see all of those frightening attributes or just won't admit they do see them is a puzzling question.  But, either way, it sadly seems to be working just fine for their corrupt agenda.  

   We are living in  uncharted times, my friends, and we are beginning to see damage to American values and reputation abroad like never before.  We find our values not only being questioned by our allies around the world, but our image, as well.  And, worse yet, some things this president has damaged my be unrepairable!

   We must understand that there are times when you simply cannot 'un-ring the bell' ... and we now are facing those times.

   This President and his Party's Membership in the U.S. House and Senate have taken all of us out into deep water...and they are all in over their heads at knowing, or seemingly caring,  how to save us!

   And it will soon be too late to save even themselves.



Modern-Day Caligula...

Roman Emperor Caligula
Known as "The Mad Emperor"
Great-Great Grandson of Julius Caesar
Born: Aug. 31, 12
Killed:  Jan. 24, 41
Reigned for 1,400 Days of Terror
   That's about four years of insane terror and destruction of the Roman Empire.  He was assassinated by the swords of many who opposed his ruthless ways as Emperor.

   Caligula's nearly four years of believing he was all-omnipotent and above any Roman Law had set the people on edge and deeply divided as they considered what course to take.  The majority wanted to return Rome to the "good old days," and they ultimately saw the only way to do that was to turn Caligula into a pin cushion.

    The Roman Senate was also in agreement, but they wanted to be the ones who would guide Rome back to those glory days.  However, they moved too slowly and the assassins took control.

   On January 20, 2017, nearly to-the-day Caligula lost his reign, another  "ruler" came into power with the same wrong-headed self-assurance, an all-omnipotent flair, and with another I-am-above-the-law brashness.  His name was Trump, Self-Proclaimed Emperor of America.
   Emperor Trump created a great stir among the people.  He used cruelty as his weapon and his bigotry, racism, and pathological lying were all the tools he needed to divide the people of America.

   The Trump years have exerted a tremendous strain on America, and caused a division that hasn't been seen since the great Civil War.  With the ugly chants of his minions, he offered a huge dose of White Supremacy to the dinner table of America and hate became the order of the day.  And like Caligula, Trump's appetite for more and more hate toward anyone who disagreed with him crept across the land. 

   There have, of course, been other maniacal monsters around the globe who rose to destructive power.  They were beaten down, but not before committing tremendous injuries and death.  Are we to suffer a similar fate?

   In many ways, Caligula and Trump were cut from the same cloth.  But, through the false interpretation and corrupt manipulation of today's media that Caligula could have only dreamt of, Trump can reach even higher levels of man's inhumanity to man. 

   And, yes...Caligula had funny hair, too. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Our Inglorious Independence Day 2019

   The words always came fast and easy as I streamed my words of praise for my country, my leaders, and my heartfelt thanks that I have grown up in this country I call home. 

   From my birth in the little town of Fort Benton, Montana, I have always had sufficient reasons to be humbly proud and amply blessed that I can say I am an American.

   This year, however, my focus is on those who were not born here but are willing to go through hell to live the life I do.  We are putting small children and adults through pure torture simply because they want to live in a land they  were promised was the  place for 'huddled masses yearning to breathe free.'

   Somehow, the 'leaders' of today's America have decided to strike that promise from our solemn pledge.  For whatever reason they have for doing so, we have debased one of the basic tenets of our democracy.

  Meanwhile, our president finds it a perfect time to celebrate our Independence this Fourth of July through his self-glorification by ordering our military to present itself to the world.

   This is not who or what America is.

   But, this is what a simple-minded narcissist is...when he momentarily wants to upstage his exposed and deeply flawed character.  

   Our nation - and the world - will be watching.  And heads will be shaking.  And hearts will be aching.  And minds will be reeling.  And whispers will be heard:   "Has the mighty nation, the 'city on the hill', the home of the free, the place where all hunger to enter...has it really fallen that far?"

   Ask Donald J. Trump and his political party members in the U.S. House and Senate.

   Ask them. 

   And damn well demand an answer, too!    


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Why Speaker Pelosi Is Wrong...

    Speaker Pelosi said, "the media is obsessed with impeaching the president."
   Well, I can't argue with that.   Television cable news is covering the thought of impeachment with head-banging gusto, but I believe they can make a great case that they are doing so because their reporting merely reflects what the majority of the country wants, as well.
   What I do argue with the Speaker about is her assertion:  "Impeachment shouldn't be political."  (She further opines that it appears it would be political.)
   Anyone I know who is hell-bent on removing the president from office has a much more intense reason than removing him for political reasons.  As a matter of fact, I've heard it often said that they would be just fine if he were replaced with another Republican, and Independent, a Democrat, or a fairly well trained monkey.
   What the Speaker needs to remember is she is looking at the situation from within her role in government.  We, out here in the hinterland, have a multitude of reason for bouncing him out of the Oval Office. 
   To name three, but not limited to, are:  (1) Because he has been fact-checked at lying to all of us nearly 11,000 times since taking office.  That damages our nation's image domestically as well as internationally.  (2)  He has openly proclaimed his trust in our hostile adversaries over our allies, and even over our own intelligence agencies.  (3)  He has been found guilty of probable obstruction of justice at least ten different times according to the Mueller Report. 
   And the reasons I personally find most damaging are:  he ignores any of our laws he finds distasteful to him, he viciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him, and he runs our government like he is a ruthless crime boss.
   But the most critical reason I can think of for his removal from office is this:  He is a seriously flawed human being.
   So, Speaker Pelosi, removing President Donald J. Trump  from office is not a political whim of any American I know.  As a matter of fact, that would not even fall into the top 75 reasons for impeachment.
   However, if the Republican Members of the U.S. Senate did not vote to remove him...well, that would definitely be for a political reason!

This reminds me of a slogan I heard somewhere
and it really fits right now:




Wednesday, May 29, 2019

We have nothing to fear, but the president, himself

Opinion by
John Watson

            "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation   must begin by subduing the freedom of speech."
         -  Benjamin Franklin

            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."
         - John F. Kennedy

            "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press."
         - Thomas Jefferson

            "Trump is unloved in his own house.  A figure of ridicule, a theatrical creation, he is almost sympathetic.  He was told by the greedy and the outright stupid that he would make a swell president.  The Liars Paradox has spun out of control, with liars lying to a liar who believed the lie.  What would that be called?  Fox News, I think."
                                                                                             - Richard Cohen

   The current president has brought a majority of the citizens of this nation to the edge of insanity through his lies and with the support of his staff of liars.

   And this is not a charge anyone makes lightly.  

   If you care to dig into quotes from learned statesmen of America's history regarding the importance of our nation's freedom of the press, be prepared to be dazzled...and overwhelmed.   Our democracy is based on the premise that we will only survive if we allow our press to remain free.  Throughout history, we have been continuously reminded that only dictators, autocrats, and various species of authoritarians will succeed if they but find the will to turn the people against all media. 

   Continuous lies that the media is "fake news" and  the evil "enemy of the people" spew from the president and many in his administration.  They open the septic system that delivers the dictator's vile lies and "alternative truths" to the masses.

   This process of deceit by Trump, Pence, Sanders, Conway, Barr, and countless others is unprecedented in our history.

   Lying to the people of this nation, our allies, and the world, has disgraced the very values upon which America has been so nobly blessed.  Our reputation as the "shinning city on the hill" has had the sheen rubbed off by this president and his legion of liars.

   Shine the light and the people will find the truth.  Try to hide the truth, and the people will become lost.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
But should I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord Trump's soul to shake.





Saturday, May 18, 2019

We the People can be as dumb as a box of rocks

   As the phrase goes, "people learns, but they learns awfully  slow."
   So,  for a minute, let's forget about all of the problems the "New York Crime Boss, his Family, and his "Swamp Cronies" have stirred up and consider our plan of attack.  Sort of our time to 'lean back into the arms of the dragon' and think about fluffy clouds, fields of daisies, and green, green grass.
   At the ripe old age of eighty-one, I've found that there is some truth to the words of poet Edgar Guest: "It takes a heap of living..."  And at my age, I've seen too much good and bad in life to let a gaggle of goons destroy our country - and our very Constitution!
   We absolutely must declare war on that which is destroying us from within.  We have hunkered down long enough.  We have argued too much, and to paraphrase what the old feller said, "By Gawd, we just ain't a gonna' take it any more!"
   Many years ago, even the good people of Germany saw they had been snookered by an evil, lying, loud-mouth.  They, too, waited too long and nearly lost everything.  Am I comparing this president to Hitler?  Of course not.  But I am comparing the thought process of two men who believed they had mysteriously received ordained rights that were far above the laws that were set for we mortal men.

      This is not a political problem.  It is far above that.

   This is a crisis that can ultimately destroy all that we hold most sacred in our country.   And, we can no longer be satisfied to simply throw verbal and written stones from outside the walls of injustice.  We must  get involved and fight from within, otherwise we will be left witnessing further annihilation from outside the gates. 

   Voices of concern are but words into the void. We will be as unsuccessful as peeing into the wind or winking at the pretty lady in the darkness.

   Get involved!  Act like you care!  The fight is not looking for political "wins"...it's looking for ways to get America back on the right path.

   Lead,  Follow, ...or Get The Hell Out Of The Way.



Tuesday, May 7, 2019

He's eating America's Soul... one bite at a time

Here's to those outside my gate
who wanders by, so filled with hate.
I hear their vicious chants
and then their mob-like rants,
how long, we ask, must justice wait?
   More than seventy percent of the American people who own a television set, a radio, are on the Internet, or subscribe to a newspaper readily understands what this president and his "base" are doing to destroy our nation.
   Conversely, less than thirty percent of the American people belong to this clump the president calls his "base." Fortunately, we are also being told by some who still hold a modicum of honesty in their bones that those numbers are slowly declining.

   But as the rants and chants and pitchforks and torches of the "base" menace the seventy percent of us across America,  so does the bullying tactics of the president as he eggs on his "base" with his lies, name calling, and more lies.  Whether this "base" believes his lies or not, they will never say.  They have found a savior in Trump and he has found his ego fuel in them.

   When fact checkers begin to lose count of the president's lies (now at more than 10,000) and the White House Press Secretary looks into the nation's television cameras and says, "the president does not lie," we realize that we definitely are in a very deep, dark place.  Remember when the lies were explained away as "alternative facts" by his senior advisor?   

   We have dumbed-down so many things in America, such as how we dress, how we talk, how we think about moral issues, and countless others that were once our American values.  They were the things that made America great. 
But we have now reached the point where we have dumbed-down what we expect in our president... and what we will accept from him or her, as well.  It was what we once called our American Values;  our national pride;  It was called integrity!

   My greatest wish would be that each time the president stands before the nation and tells a whopper, the reporters in attendance would call him on it - immediately.  Why haven't they? It serves little purpose to report it after he has moved on because it has become the daily norm.

   There are even lies as insignificant as when he said his father was born in Germany, when the truth is his father, Fred Trump, was born in the Bronx.  Lies like this are what label him a pathological liar.  Pathological liars do so because it is a sickness they can't control and usually has no relevance to the topic at hand.

   As a former official in the Trump Organization said, "Oh, his little fibs are just exaggerations...just his kidding around. He has always done it."

   Exaggeration about where your father was born?

   Come on...that's not an exaggeration,  that is a sickness!