Two Americas...

   There have been two Americas as far back as anyone can remember.  One of them always grumbled about the entitled attitude of the other, but little else was ever done.

   That was until one Donald J. Trump was elected president and he and his entitled minions were brought on board.  Their idea of what was in their domain and power stretched far beyond the limits of credibility.  They immediately began to show America - and the world - just how two Americas should really work.  Their methodical approach to obliterating America's Constitution was fiendish, and it brought a more frightening  picture of what they wanted two Americas to look like.

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake
in the caldron boil and bake,
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and the tongue of dog.
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
lizard's leg, and owlet's wing.
For a charm of powerful trouble,
like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    In order for the entitled to reach their goals, they would need to not only further split the two tribes, but they would need to make sure the alignment of their tribe was secure, vocal, and defiant of any ordinary rule of law.  It could hide many internal injustices they had in mind.

   Their near-weekly rallies of hate-filled speeches and mob-like jeers were televised into homes across America.  Anyone who was quick enough to change the channel was later trapped into submission by portions of the spectacle on the late night news networks.

   They were grotesque and riddled with words from their leader who carefully geared them to further widen that chasm between the two Americas.  It was designed to give the mob of hate and vengeance their full glory and hour of fame.  It was them against the other America!

   They were from the shadows of such dark places as White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Racists, Ku Klux Klan, and Confederate and Nazi Flag Wavers.  They have waited in the darkness for years to be given the kind of power and importance they now relish.  They have been summoned for one solitary reason:  Split this nation further, and through their disorder, destroy the other America with lies, deception, and mob violence in the streets.  All in the grand scheme of winning in 2020 by dividing the people.

   Their leader offers to pay any legal fees in return for their chaos and injuries.  When interviewed by reporters, these supporters know little about politics.  They have been recruited (some by money) not for their political savvy but often because of a lack of it.

   This week, we have been informed that these rallies will be renewed, now that their leader has determined the social distancing and masks are not necessary.  The case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths, however, are still going up and a "second wave" is being mentioned as a probability.

   Interestingly, those who enter these rallies are also asked to sign a release that they will not try to sue the Presidential Re-Election Campaign Committee if they come down with coronavirus.

   There does not need to ever be two Americas.

   There only needs to be one... an America that can handle the likes of these who once hid in the shadows and have now been given a hall pass to create hell for the rest of us. 

   On Nov. 3, 2020, we will rectify this problem.

An Opinion by John Watson


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