Coronavirus and Cry Babies...

   Fifteen ladies in Florida decided to celebrate with a night on the town.  No masks, no social distancing, no sense.  Girls just want to have fun, as the say.  They have now all tested positive for Coronavirus.  Who knew?

   We are a country of cry babies.  We want what we want, we want it right, and we want it right now.

   So, we gave this coronavirus thing a shot.  Some of us tried to be good citizens and do what the medical people told us to do.  We wore masks and practiced social distancing.  We showed concern for our fellow Americans.  

   Some of us did.  

   But, it got old.  It got tiresome.  It got to be a drag on our fun.  We listened to folks back in our nation's capitol who said it was mostly a hoax.  And if it isn't a hoax, it's fading out, anyway.  The summer heat would bring it to a halt.  Of course, they also had their own agenda for trying to convince us to "give up and open up."  It had something to do with politics.  And we bought it hook, line, and sinker!

   Now look where we are:  Twenty-one states have cases rising - some dramatically.  Twenty-one states have cases slightly lowering because they like the idea of winning this battle and they are still fighting.  And, Eight has no change.  The pure fact is we are going backwards in our battle with the coronavirus pandemic!

   Other countries are showing America how to fight this pandemic.  There are nations with strong and compassionate leaders who have convinced their citizens that coronavirus is a battle that can be won with the right attitude.  Mask, social distancing, and plain old common sense is every doctor's prescription.

   But here in good ol' America we don't do things like that anymore.  We have our tribal instincts to carry us through the tough spots.  We don't need an egg-headed medical scientists telling us what to do.  We have our political tribal leaders giving us all of the advice we need.

   The president, when asked if he was concerned about his upcoming Tulsa, OK "rally" being a disaster for a coronavirus outbreak, said "No, the virus is fading away."  Of course, the exact opposite is true, even though his attendees will ignore the facts and go anyway.  It's what they do!

   We are a nation of "human gimme pigs" who just want to have fun.  We have a right to do what we want.  It's our freedom...and we're not going to let the gov'mint tell us what we can't do.

   So, party on!  The first drink is on the house.  

   And if you hate wearing a mask, you're really not going to like that ventilator.





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