When do we reach the bottom of the barrel?

Sometimes the news is just too much to stomach.

Once in a blue moon a story comes along that makes you scratch your head and say, "this just can't be true."

However, just such a breaking news story came along last night.  It has reportedly been investigated and finally released by the New York Times...and it is disgusting beyond belief.  The Wall Street Journal has also pounced on it.  I suggest you who are eternally skeptical of America's news agencies should resource those two publications for yourself.  

The reported details read like this:  For several months, Russia has been paying a bounty to rebels and terrorists in Afghanistan to target and kill American Service personnel.

Let that sink in for a minute.

That is the kick in the stomach to all who have lost husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters.  But the real knife in the back is this:  Our president was informed of this in March 2020.  His advisors gave him a "menu" of responses he could make to Putin and the American People.

He has done nothing for three months.

In fact, he has had at least one phone call with Russia's Putin during that time that he described as "friendly."

It is believed that during that call, Putin asked Trump to try to get his membership back in the G-8, which he was kicked out of a few years ago.  Our president has since made it clear he is in favor of doing so, to the shagrin of the other G-7 members.  Presumably, conversation was also had regarding the removable of a large number of our service people from Germany.  This has been a another huge wish by Putin.

We ask our service people to fight in Afghanistan and overthrow the terrorist groups.  Now we find they have been given another target on their back, as well...bought and paid for by Russia!

This cannot be tolerated. 
Putin must finally pay for his evil.

This story was highlighted by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC May 26, 2020.


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