America's Relevant Enemy

The president is of no further relevance to America.   He has made his mark on our nation for three years, 145 days, 16 hours, and (mark) 41 seconds. 

America has witnessed a U.S. House of Representatives investigation and, ultimately, impeachment of the President of the United States.   However, his GOP friends in the U.S. Senate disagreed and refused to remove him from office.  He has told more than 19,000 lies that have been fact-checked and are on record for people to view.  He has caused thousands of serious illnesses and deaths of American citizens because of his failure to lead the country to safety in a prudent and timely manner during the world-wide coronavirus pandemic.  He has fought against the release of factual numbers of novid-19 cases and attempts by our medical people to help Americans guard against becoming infected...because it will hurt his campaign poll numbers.  He has allowed his "personal" Attorney General to subvert our rule of law and cover up the corrupt ways of his administra

The result of this assessment is undeniable:  The president is no long relevant to our once great nation.

What is relevant, however, is his "base."  He has enlisted the rebellion of a large group of hostile followers who have been waiting to be summoned to the stage of notoriety and power they so hungrily seek.  They represent a waring class of individuals who are diametrically opposed to the views and beliefs of more than ninety-eight percent of our nation.

They are White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Racists, Bigots, Ku Klux Klan members, and others who have one core belief and one core goal:   Renew the fight and finish the Civil War that handed them defeat one-hundred and fifty-five years ago!

These people believe it is their right to live as they see fit.  They cannot see beyond the ideology they hold for themselves.  They are quite simply saying to America:  There is only one choice:  Let us live as we chose or we are prepared to fight.  

They have no regard for a democratic America, and they have no regard for anyone who believes in equal rights for all.  

They support this failed presidency because he has been showing them the way they can achieve their hearts' desires in return for their votes.

We can now clearly see our relevant enemy, and we can also clearly see the battle ahead of us to get America back on the right track.  

Our founding fathers put forth the blueprint for a nation like no other.  It was intended to be enjoyed  "for the people, of the people, and by the people."  We will accept nothing less!

To America's dissenters, our words are clear

All of your rights end
where our chins begin.

An Opinion by John Watson





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