An inch away from insanity...

"The evil that men do lives after them."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths." 

    The people can see him. The nation can hear him. The whole damn world knows all about him.  And yet, there he still is.

    The ramblings of a lost soul contemplating his ineptness in inches and his perceived glory in miles.

    The President of the United States is losing his grip on reality.  His narcissistic life has caught up with him and it is peeling back the layers of his flawed character like an onion.  And, it is causing all of us to shed tears for our beautiful America.

    In another time and with a different partisan support system, this presidency would have ended with the U.S. House impeachment and the U.S. Senate removing him from office.

    But, that was not to be.  It would have been humane for the Senate to make the decision for him, but the Republican death grip on their hostile agenda could not be achieved.  His unfit and inappropriate style of leadership was of no consequence to his followers.  He picks and chooses the laws he will follow.  Our past is of no value to him.  He sees our future as but a winding road through his twisted and corrupt ways of self-importance.  If it will not enrich him personally, it will not be worth pursuing.

   More than 500 noted psychologists and psychiatrists signed a letter stating their concerns about the mental health of our president.  Many past and present members of our nation's cabinet - from both parties - have voiced their concerns that this president is discarding and disgracing our constitution.  How much longer can  we, as a nation, stay silent.  

This is the mind of an irrational, mentally ill person
....and this is our president.

Does he not understand the office?  
Or, does he understand it and simply wants to 
mold it to his own liking?

An Opinion by John Watson




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