They're reaching the bottom of the garbage can...

   The stench of Washington D.C. politics is finding its way to Montana.   Rep. Gianforte and Sen. Daines learned from the GOP national pros how to stink up an election and now they intend to show their stuff here in Montana.

   The GOP's "national play book" includes everything you would need to smell up an election.  The foul odor worked wonders for the president and his members in the U.S. House and Senate, and they have been riding the odious odor every since.  Their foul style of campaigning  has been nauseating people for more than three years.

   Lies are now acceptable.  The current administration has numbed the senses of many Americans into believing that lying is just common politics and shouldn't be taken seriously.  A few well-placed lies about an opponent are to be  considered part of the campaign climate.  

   Lack of constituent concern is acceptable.  Gianforte and Daines are the "invisible duo" in Montana.  They may come home periodically, but it's a bet that very few people see or hear from them.    Our ghost in the U.S. House doesn't even make a showing at voting time.  Rep. Gianforte has voted fewer times than 93% of the total House Membership.  Is that how he represents our state?  Sen. Dains does seem to vote, but only when the Senate Majority Leader points to which button to push.

   Our "dynamic duo" does seem to get their faces, fibs, and fictitious ads  on major Montana Television stations and Newspapers, even if they do side-step Montanans who might just want to ask them a few important questions.  In one case, Sen. Daines voted against a bill and then crashed a ceremony here at home that was celebrating the bill's passage.  That takes a lot of brass!   Of course, it made the nightly news on television with nary a word about his vote against it.

   Washington-style politics of "a lie today will fade away tomorrow" is not what we are about in Montana.  

   A lie today will never fade away.  It will be a lie forever...or until it is exposed and the liar concedes.  

   When was the last time you heard a politician concede to a lie he told?

   Yeah, me neither.

An Opinion by John Watson





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