We are slowly being lied to death

An Opinion by
John Watson
There is an old adage about a frog and boiling water:  If you put a frog in boiling water, he will realize the danger and immediately jump out.  However, if you put him in tepid water and slowly and methodically raise the heat to a boil, he will not perceive the danger until it is too late and will eventually be boiled to death.

Lies are eerily similar.

You hear a few lies today and a few more tomorrow and a few more each day for three years or so.  At first, each day didn't seem too much to swallow.  "So the guy lies.  So do all politicians."  But he isn't just any politician anymore.  He has been the President of the United States for 3 1/2 years!

It can become easy to excuse a lie or two each day.  We slowly  become immune to them.  We are like that frog and we become content with the tepidness of the daily, innocuous lies.  But that fateful day is close at hand.  We had convinced ourselves that we could ignore a seemingly harmless drip, drip, drip of lies each day but they are beginning to consume our thoughts. 

We finally find we are in really hot water.

Our leader has gotten himself - and all of us - into a boiling mess.  He has been caught lying about coronavirus facts.  He said it would go away in the heat of the summer.  He said it was safe to "open up" our bars, restaurants, churches, meeting rooms, and his gawd-awful rallies. He said there was a drug on the market to take care of covid-19, but it was a lie.  He said there will be a vaccine ready for us by the end of the year but the medical scientists say, "no."  He said we don't need as many tests, but that was debunked by specialist   He said masks were now only "optional."  He told us there was more than enough protective equipment for all hospital personnel in the country.  He told us there were plenty of ventilators to go around.  He told us anyone who wanted a test could get a test, but that was a lie.  He lied and he lied and he lied.  And then he lied some more.  

And then his supporters began to lie when they said he was doing a great job in the virus battle.  And then his vice-president began lying.  He said we could pray the coronavirus away.  He said his Task Force was doing a fantastic job at defeating this pandemic.  And the lies still kept coming.  

Every lie has been fact-checked.  There are nearly 20,000 on file for the world to see.  There are small lies, medium-sized lies, and big, fat, dangerous lies.

And they keep coming.

I'm getting damn warm in this water, Mr. Frog.

How about you? 


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