Thursday, November 4, 2021

Eenie, Meenie, Miney. . . and we don't want no Moe!


Eenie ( Sen. Daines), Meanie (the Gov.) Miney (Rep. Rosendale) and we don't want no Moe (Zinke).

The Montana Republican Party of Trump wants to once again bring back the third member of the infamous "Three Amigos," Ryan Zinke, to mess with Montana!  There are actually four of them, including Rep. Matt Rosendale, but he is so out of step with our state that he's hardly worth mentioning. We elected him, but it is believed it was only to send him back where he came from.

According to Zinke's own Federal Elections Commission report, he's raised almost $700,000, but he still hasn't filed a financial disclosure statement like all of the other candidates. According to a Dec. 15, 2018 report in the Washington Post, even Trump had concerns about Zinke's ethics when he pressured him to step down after investigations began into whether he was using the Interior Department to make deals that benefitted only him. Perhaps he is displaying the same arrogance as Trump did when he refused to release his tax returns.  Those rules are evidently for others to follow...or maybe he really does have something to hide.

Doesn't the public deserve the right to see what he's obviously hiding?

It's only been about three years since he resigned as Secretary of the Interior amid a series of ethics scandals and federal investigations, some of which were referred to the Department of Justice.  Back here in Montana, the biggest question regarding his run for the U.S. House of Representatives is, "Where the hell does he live?"  He has a wife, a home, and a yacht in Santa Barbara, California! For all intents and purposes, this man is a former Montanan and not entitled to run for our political offices. 

We don't want or need a man who couldn't keep himself from ethics scandals and referrals to the Department of Justice last time he went to Washington. Why would we give him a second bite of the apple?

What is Montana. . . a jumping off point for rich, pointy-headed little three-piece-suited, corrupt Republicans?  We have a governor that fits that description now.  Please don't elect Zinke. 

Montana has gone overboard on political right-wing mistakes we've made. Let's regroup and set things right again!


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