We frogs are in the water and it's beginning to boil. . .

The Republican Party has been a pit of toxic waste for nearly five years.

Toxic: Very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.

What can we do to get things the way they were before Jan. 20, 2017 - 10 am MST?

On Nov. 3, 2020,  the Republican Party of Trump decided they were going to be exceptionally violent losers and rip this nation and its democracy to shreds. They would do anything to retain power.  

On Jan. 6, 2021, the Republican Party of Trump and nearly every GOP member in the U.S. House and Senate made good on their threats to demolish our rule of law in an effort to overturn the presidential election. They did not succeed, but many in congress and across the country are still fighting the ridiculous fight.

The toxicity level in Republican politics is reaching a boiling point and when it blows it will render our nation unlivable. 

It has been a suspicion of mine for years that the reason so many Republican white supremacists have been stockpiling weapons and ammunition is to be prepared for what is known in biblical terms as "the rapture." They Republican Party of Trump is ready to "go out shootin'."  Their idea of the "rapture" is an end-time event when all Republican believers who are alive, along with resurrected believers, will "rise into the clouds, to meet Donald Trump into the air." Oh, what a joyous day it will be!

Yes, we have reduced ourselves to this kind of thinking.

Consider the "frog experiment," where a frog could conceivably be placed in a pan of cool water and remain stupefied as we slowly increase the heat to a boiling point. The frog would remain ignorant of what is happening to him, much as the majority in our society today. The poor frog would, of course, die not fully knowing what happened . If we placed the frog in a pan of boiling water, however, he would immediately jump out.  If we placed a Democrat into a vat of cool water and begin raising the heat, he would grumble about it getting warm, but would do nothing until it reached the boiling point.

So, what are we going to do, froggies? 

The water is getting pretty damn hot!



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