"When can we start killing people?"

An obviously radicalized young man ask the television host of a right-wing talk show, "When do we start shooting?  I mean, when do we get to start killing people who don't believe the election was stolen?" 

More than three out of ten Americans have said they believe the 2020 Presidential election was stolen.  Most - if not all - of them are armed and presumed to be dangerous.  Their right-wing beliefs in any conspiracy theory that comes down the pike has radicalized them to the point of murdering their fellow Americans!

This is not just a pipe dream.  This is how many of them manage to get through the day.  They are anti-immigration, anti-liberal, anti-democracy, anti-racial, and anti any kind of person who is not white like them!

And now we are to believe they want to start killing.

Many of us see another civil war on the horizon, but I see evidence that it has already begun. We have not pulled on our grey or blue uniforms yet, and we have not clearly stated our demands, but some of us have definitely told the country that most of our democratic freedoms must go. The only freedoms these rebels will recognize are the ones they choose for themselves. They seem to be charting a clear pathway to an authoritarian rule of government. Our democracy and rule of law is too passé for their wants and needs.

When they are chomping at the bit to start killing liberals, we need to pay attention - real close attention! Our Department of Justice had best get their act together and start handing out some serious consequences. Slaps on the wrists of supremacists who have "killing on their minds" will do nothing to stop the catastrophic visions we see on the horizon!

These people mean business and too many of us just don't seem to grasp the warning bells that are sounding.


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