In the beginning of redistricting, there were cheaters and crooks. . .

 Montana's Redistricting Map
Funny how it worked out that way, isn't it?

Now that we're over the shock, we should settle down and decide what we can do about it. 

Since Montana will soon have two Representatives for the U. S. House, the five-member panel arrived at a final two-district breakdown. The two Democrats voted for something entirely different and the two Republicans and the chairperson decided on the above map.

The worst lie made by someone was the lie that the chairperson was independent. But, let's move on. 

This is happening around the country.  The Republicans have jury-rigged the process from the beginning and we all knew they would. It is the only way they can win elections. To say we are in a world of hurt is a gigantic understatement!

The real problem is this: The Republican Party doesn't care how unethical and wrong the system is.  Good vs. Bad, Right vs. wrong, Legal vs. illegal. . .it makes no difference to them any more. Winning is the only option. This must now be our "rules of engagement" as we look for solutions. 

As I understand it, if we disagree, the only option we have is to pick up our guns and go to war. We are all living under a new America today.  We have become a nation that has quietly slipped into an authoritarian form of governing that has shed its rule of law and constitutional responsibilities. All of this has been done in an effort to further the political cause of the Republican Party of Trump. They admit that they can never win another election under the present circumstances. Voters are watching the right's capitalistic drive reduce the size of the middle class, and enlarge the size of the lower class, while it greatly increases the upper class in numbers and dollar amounts.

When power and greed are first and foremost on one's mind, the guardrails must be cast aside. The laws we are all to live under have also become dim in their minds. Those laws interfere with their wants and needs and nothing will deter their fight. Nothing!

Because of the highly-criticized re-districting in Montana and America, it is a near lead-pipe cinch that the Republican Party will rule the U.S. House and Senate in the 2022 mid-term elections.

We do, however,  still outnumber them. . . if we have the gumption to go vote!



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