Just who is on the Montana Republican "A-List?"

Montana Attorney General Knudsen was among three yet-to-be-identified "state officials" who harassed doctors and nurses at the Helena St. Peter's hospital. There was an eighty-year old female patient with Covid and the family wanted her to be given a medication called Ivermectin that veterinarians use on livestock as a de-wormer. FDA does not approve of this drug for humans and the doctors of St. Peter's could not legally or ethically administer it to this patient.

Little did the doctors know, however, that this patient is on the "A-list" of noted Montana Republicans, according to retired Montana Supreme Court Justice James C. Nelson.

I guess, however, when someone is on the "A-list" of Montana Republicans, you can summon the state's top elephants to fly into action and show the hospital just who's boss. 

It is presumed the Attorney General commanded a Montana State Trooper to rush to the hospital and proclaim that the "Party" had spoken and this lady was to be "de-wormed" post- haste!

Sadly, the de-worming was not to be. What to do, what to do?

The identity of the other "state officials" remains a "state secret." When the media tried to inquire further, the word came down that the Governor cannot - according to his heavy schedule -  possible address this issue for at least six months. So much for Montanan's Freedom of Information!

Meanwhile, the poor lady succumbed to Covid-19. 

AG Knudsen is hiding, the governor is muttering "what hospital was that again," and the event is buried in the muck and mire of Montana's Republican swamp for at least six months. 

That should be enough time for Montanans to forget about it - they hope.

Just another sunny day in Montana GOP politics!

My memory may be getting a little dim, but I've got a whole wall in my office full of sticky notes reminding me of this fiasco  in six months.

Opinion by John Watson



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