"Losers" are Democrats who play by the rules. . .

There are still two political parties in America, 
but one of them is not at all like the other!

It is no longer a choice between a Democrat and a Republican. It is now a choice between right and wrong.

It is simply a fact that one political party has flatly stated they are in favor of demolishing our democracy and forming an authoritarian form of government.  The Republican Party of Trump has shown by their actions that manipulating state election results is perfectly within their rights. They have removed long-term election officials from their jobs and replaced them with loyal Republicans - whether they have experience or not.  The end game, of course, is to win by any means. 

The Republican approach to any election or any manner of governing seems to be to do "whatever works and whatever feels good."  Right and wrong is passé as far as they are concerned. In their new plan book, winning is definitely the only option. Losing is for Democrats who play by the rules.

Republicans like Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Michael Flynn, and current elected congressional members such as Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor-Green, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Kevin McCarthy, and others are flagrantly thumbing their noses at House and Senate rules. They know it, their fellow Senators and Representatives know it, and the people of America also know of their traitorous actions.

Benedict Arnold showed his disdain for his country and paid the price for it. Today, when a Republican member of our congress does it, not so much! It says we have so much to apologize to Arnold for what was done to him because, according to Republican rule, there is no such thing as treason and no such people as traitors.

So, why have we allowed this destruction of our democracy and rule of law to continue? Our Department of Justice is about as effective as Marshall Matt Dillon when a worn out and thirsty bunch of  Texas drovers  invade his town of Dodge City, Kansas on a hot and dusty night. Kansas rules were meant for Kansans, not Texans. And today, Republican rules are meant for Republicans, not the rest of us. If you don't like it, grab yer guns, pardner!

We had best get our act together before the next election. If the tactics coming from the plan book of Republicans comes to fruition, we will lose everything.

Because they say they ain't aimin' to lose another election. . . come hell or fake elections!



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