The Rape of Lady Liberty. . .

Is There Still Justice In America?

Me and a bunch of my ordinary American friends met for coffee in my home and decided we didn't like the way the last election ended. We're pretty sure there was hanky-panky and it's time someone did something about it. So, we began by blanketing social media with messages of our thoughts and started recruiting the country's ne'er-do-wells to meet at the country's headquarters and turn this stolen election around. We urge them to bring guns and come ready to fight.  While me and my friends watch from an undisclosed location, the ne'er-do-well insurrectionists storm the headquarters and caused injuries, death, and severe damage to the headquarters.

The FBI is hot on our trail and it takes but a few hours to find us. Other law enforcement, with the help of FBI, round up many of the ne'er-do-wells, slap them on the wrists, and send  a few of them to the pokey.

Me and my friends, however, have our identities exposed and at 10:23 AM EST the next day the FBI is knocking on our doors with handcuffs dangling in our faces when we open up. We are eating prison food by dinner time. . . the same day!

Meanwhile, there is another side of America - the side where me and my friends would be if we were "well heeled and enjoying great political power."  We would be able to not only tell the cops we don't feel like answering questions right now, so they can put their handcuffs away.  We have the best lawyers money can buy, and they can keep us out of jail, still eating in our favorite restaurants, enjoying the good life, and thumbing our noses at America's Department of Justice. . . for months, maybe even for years!

Americans are told the wheels of justice turns slow.

That, too, is a capitalistic and political lie. They can turn as slow as they want them to turn. 

I am predicting that many of us will never live to see the true villain's who planned, orchestrated, and even participated in the Jan. 6th Insurrection sent to the "big house." Most of those who are now elected officials will even be allowed to run for office again, even though they worked to overthrow a presidential election of the United States of America, prosecute a coup on our government, and nearly decapitated our democracy!

This has never been done in the history of our country.

And, as of today, it is slightly more than ten months since it happened and the criminals are still on the loose and living the good life.

Think about the outcome if it was done by me and my ordinary friends. We would have been sentenced to life in federal prison, deported, or executed as traitors to our country.

Does anyone think about what the heck we are allowing to happen here?



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