Friday, November 5, 2021

". . . Fed by far-right extremism!"

cartoon by john watson

"Today, we hit 750,000 Americans lost to Covid-19. Vaccines were widely available, but they chose not to get vaccinated, sometimes even defiantly. They were killed by anti-science aggression, fed by far-right extremism."  Dr. Peter Hotez, Director, Center for Vaccine Development, Texas Children's Hospital.

What did American society do to these far-right extremists that caused them to start another civil war and commit suicide? The messages from hundreds of American doctors and medical scientists told us to wear a mask, practice distancing, and get the vaccination. However, these people decided it did not pertain to them.

Their political party and most of their leaders told them it wasn't necessary. They decided to stand their ground. They said, "It's my body - my choice." They said it to the television cameras. the grocery store clerks and shoppers, they said it to the restaurant staff and customers, they said it while they were pulling down your mask and coughing in your face!


Is their politics worth dying for?  Is this all America means to them? 

There have been many stories of Covid patient begging the nurse or doctor for a vaccination when they are told they weren't going to make it. These people are the real victims of their crazy political party.  They are the ones who are taking one for the grim Republican reaper. The political brass has received their shots. They are giggling all the way back to their offices.

But the minions - the ones who are torching the landscape - they are filling our hospitals and morgues! They are the proud men and women who are "taking one for the ultra-grifters!"

It is beyond understanding. It is reckless and needless aggression at its worst! It is unrecognizable extremism by a political party that is hell-bent on the destruction of itself.

It is suicide - plain and simple! And in too many cases, it is also the murder of innocent bystanders who are following the rules of a deadly pandemic.

It is the deadliest thing to happen to America in a hundred years and it is being handled by these extremists like their predecessors did in 1861 - one hundred and sixty years ago!

And it didn't have to be this way.


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