Violence is the new norm. . .

The U.S. House censured Rep. Paul Gosar, from Arizona's 4th congressional district since 2013, for posting an animated cartoon about "killing" another House Representative, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and attacking President Biden. I thought of the terrible wrong that can happen with violent messages some politicians use.

Consider what happened on Jan. 9, 2011:

"In the stunned aftermath of the Tucson shooting, Sarah Palin found herself in the crosshairs of the ensuing political debate with opponents suggesting she may have fueled the gunman's rage that resulted in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today's tragic shooting in Arizona."

Although Palin later denied she meant the graphic of a gun sight in an ad, it is part of the hunting lexicon that critics say she prefers. 

Comedian Frank Conniff tweeted: " Hey, Sarah Palin, hows that hatey, killy, reloady, crosshairsy thing working out for ya?"

Words and graphics make a difference and in some cases can be deadly serious. Palin and other Republicans didn't learn the lesson that day, and now more than ten years later, they still haven't. What is it going to take to teach them?

House Minority Leader Keven McCarthy went on a tirade to accuse the Democrats of making too much of what Gosar did.  Really?

Rep. McCarthy is on his bandwagon to become the next Speaker of the House and he is making outright threats of retribution for what the mean Democrats have done to Gosar and Taylor-Greene.  He said he will immediately renew the committee assignments that were taken from them. 

If you still thinks we Americans are still a kind-hearted clump of people, you just ain't payin' attention!



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