This is a fight America cannot lose. . .

Montana has become a  microcosm of politics across the country. The rancid stench of the Grand Old Republican Party of Trump is permeating throughout our state legislature, the governor's office, and his highly obnoxious administration. The free-wheeling, take-no-prisoners attack on anyone who doesn't look and act like them is mind-boggling. They want us to believe that the only rights worth a bucket of warm spit are the rights they claim as theirs, alone. And they are kind of wishy-washy about those, too.

The Gianforte inner circle - especially the Attorney Generalissimo - has made it abundantly clear that those at the front of the line will definitely be on the "A-list of Montana Republicans" and will see justice first!

Numerous examples of the Montana Republican's raw sense of unfair play and jurisprudence is matched only by the deep dive into crime and insurrection by the former president, his crime family, and doting Republican office holders in Congress. 

The Montana model of the Trump Playbook is excruciatingly painful and familiar to watch and live through again. Just when we believe Trump is out of the picture, we learn that copy cats are living it up in his likeness in Helena. Other Republican-controlled states are suffering the same fate. 

The Republican Party is going through a political metamorphosis and their chances are excellent that it may not end well. It is, however, a change they feel they must take a gamble on doing. Their chances today of a long life are slim and none. Their disdain for anyone who doesn't look like them, think like them, or live like them puts them on a short dead-end road. The white majority in America is about to become the white minority in a little more than 20 short years from now!

If we can weather the right-wing storm of political upheaval for a short while longer, we can outlast them. It won't be easy and it won't be pleasant, but it will be worth it.  America does not want to give up its democracy and that is exactly what Republicans will need us to do for them to survive.

We have fought and defeated Nazi terror in Europe. Now we must fight white supremacy, QAnon, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, and a long list of others who would turn our constitution on its head right here at home!   

Here in Montana and across the country, this is a fight we cannot lose. 


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