Saturday, October 28, 2023

Are We Afraid Yet?

Mike Johnson has hornswoggled his way   into the job of Speaker of the 
U.S. House of Representatives

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, welcomed Mike Johnson's speakership not only because of his conservative political record, but also because he is "a consciously committed evangelical Christian."

He is also consciously committed to upholding all of those things that 87% of Americans do not believe in. 

James Michael Johnson is an American politician servicing as the 56th speaker of the United States House of Representatives. A member of the far-right Republican Party, Johnson is in his fourth House term, having represented Louisiana's 4th congressional district since 2017. He is 51 years old, from Shreveport, LA. 

Johnson is a strong ally of former president Trump and a quiet force among the MAGA Republicans. He was a chief architect of the effort to decertify the Biden election win in 2020. He is still a rigid denier that Trump lost the election. 

He is opposed to all abortions, regardless of rape or incest. He is also opposed to any form of homosexuality, including same sex unions or marriage.  He insists that other personal taboos should be abandoned because they are taboos to his beliefs. 

Finally, his hard right radical views make him a serious threat to our democracy. He was willing to overturn a presidential election and prosecute a coup on our government in order to get his way. A Trumper - through and through!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the choice for Speaker of the U.S. House - second in line to the President of the United States - by 100% of the Republicans in the U.S. House.

Are you afraid yet?


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