Friday, October 3, 2014

Frankenstein, the GOP, and the Lady

Word has it, Republicans have stepped up their efforts to show women they truly care. They have even gone to great lengths to slide a few dollars toward a GOP candidate out there in the vast hinterland of America.  After all, a Republican woman in the Senate is better than no Republican at all!  Or, as the RWGs (Rich White Guys) say,  "A woman is as good as a man...only cheaper."
We are fast approaching Halloween and the GOP guys with "neck bolts" are hoping to create a surge of voters among the fairer sex.  A lightening bolt here, a puff of smoke there...voila!...they create women "followers" to help their men get elected.  A sort of revamping of the old story  "...and woman sprung forth from the rib of man."  In the original story, however, woman was given life to propagate the species.  Today, a GOP woman is only useful for her vote and little else.
The Democrats, however, have a different way of doing things.  There are women who deserve to be "leaders," instead of "followers."  They no longer need to walk three paces behind their man, and they can actually raise the IQ and Common Sense level within the chambers of the U.S. House and Senate beyond party politics.

We all know there is a "neck bolt" guy running for the U.S. Senate from Montana this November.  The lady in the race doesn't get the media attention she deserves but she makes more sense to Montana Voters than anyone has for a long time.  She speaks their language...not the ramblings of a mega-millionaire.

I highly recommend you listen to her closely.  The truth is refreshing!


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