Really...I'm just like one of you...

I am usually quick enough on the TV remote control mute button to stifle the outrageous claims made by Congressman Steve Daines. 
This evening, I was caught at the dinner table without the remote and had to suffer through most of the "No, really...I'm just like one of you" tall tales.  There's fibs, white lies, lies, bald-face lies, and whoppers.  This was a super-sized whooper.
Everyone knows Daines wants to repeal "Obamacare."  We also know he wants to privatize Medicare and hand out vouchers, instead, to Seniors.  Bluntly spoken, he would like to do away with Medicaid, altogether.  And when it comes to Social Security, he wants to carve it up until it isn't worth the powder to blow it to you-know-where.
All of that is about ten light years from what he said on his television advertisement this evening.  He said:  "I want to protect Social Security, save Medicare, and make sure Americans have good health care coverage."  (Of course, he didn't have the courage to say what is really on his greedy little Conservative Tea Party agenda.) 
The alarming thing about his views on the programs that he and his rich friends are so anxious to chop up in little pieces are never revealed to the voters prior to the election.  If he wins, however, they will found out soon enough.
As a multi-millionaire (he reported somewhere between $9 and $33 million) he could care less about the programs the rest of us find so necessary.
His opponent, Amanda Curtis, understands the fight she - and most Montanans - fight in the trenches on a daily basis. Daines and his friends hold most of the money in the country and their only plans, if elected, are to make even more.
Good for them...but they shouldn't plan on doing it by taking away from the Middle and Lower Classes.
We need Amanda Curtis in the U.S. Senate.



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