Doing the right thing for Montana...

The following are two letters from the pages of The Bozeman Daily Chronicle's "letters to the editor:"
"Amanda Curtis will do right
by Montanans in Washington"
   "Montana's elections are decided by the independent voters in our state.  These discerning citizens place substance over money and expensive TV ads.  They can spot the manipulation of outside interests like the Koch brothers, who support fellow multi-millionaires to carry on their political agenda in Washington.
   The race for our vacant Senate seat is more important than ever.  The control of the Senate will determine whether middle-class America will be represented or will lose out to the one percent who also control Wall Street.  The vast majority of Montanans are middle-class citizens striving for representation.
   Amanda Curtis will represent us best by speaking clearly on vital issues, she will not vote to close down the government.  She knows how to work with everyone, regardless of political affiliation.  She is beholding to no one except her constituents.  The reason she is not appearing on your TV screens dozens of times during the day is because she does not have a 'political machine' who owns her, she is her own person and will remain so.
   Let's surprise the political pundits by sending Steve Daines back to the House (his fancy house)."
Maria C. Vazquez de Spitler
"Ordinary Americans benefit
when you vote Democrat"
   "In 2010, Mitch McConnell said, 'The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.'  And so all the obstructionism perpetuated by the Republicans has been to achieve that goal and having failed, to blacken anything Obama and the Democrats have tried to do.  Never mind that Republican efforts have hurt the majority of Americans and have stalled the proper working of our government.
   Nevertheless, the unemployment rate has dropped to under 6 percent, the economy continues to improve, even though Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage, and the Affordable Care Act has extended health insurance to over 20 million Americans.
   So when you go to the polls, consider well who is really on the side of ordinary Americans, not millionaires.  Vote for Democratic candidates like John Lewis, who have the interests of most Americans, the State of Montana, the country and our earth as their concern."
Barbara Kligerman



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