What else do you need to know?

"How did you people get so screwed-up?"
Our hometown newspaper has announced that they will be publishing "highlights" of the Republican and Democrat platforms in print, and "complete" platforms on line.
That caused me to think about the importance of that.
Since an unofficial guess on my part would say 95% of the people are voting party line instead of by candidate, the platform information would be about as helpful as giving an IQ test to a fence post.
It also raises a question in my mind as to which platform issues will be chosen as "highlights?"  While I don't know what percentage of Montanans have access to the newspaper's web page, we can assume a fair number of them aren't able - or will not take the time - to see the entire platforms.  That, of course, is not the newspaper's fault.  To publish the entire platforms is not their job.  The political parties should see that all Montanans have that information.
In order to do my small part in assisting voters to know the facts about Republicans and Democrats, I will wrap up the differences this way:
     Republicans are for big business, lower taxes for themselves and their rich friends, and no regulations that would impede corporations from making money while overlooking dirty air, unclean water, and a blind eye to global warming information.  They want to repeal or privatize Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and "Obamacare."  They are against raising minimum wages to help millions of people climb out of poverty.  They are against all unions.  They want their children educated in private schools by well-paid teachers, but want public school teachers living in poverty and working two jobs.  They are also known as a group that can't seem to find the room for minorities in their small tent.  Lastly, they seem to feel it is okay for their mega-rich friends to "buy" political offices.
     Democrats are - point-for-point - opposed to everything listed above.  They want to take entry-level minimum wages  out of poverty.  They want to force corporations to bring back the jobs they sent overseas or face huge tax penalties.  They want to toughen the regulations on companies. They are in favor of government programs that were conceived to assist our less fortunate as well as our hard-working Americans.  They are in favor of giving good, decent wages to the classroom teachers we entrust to educate our children.  The money we pay these people is deplorable.  Finally, they know the importance that minorities have, and always will have, in this country's success.  Finally, they adamantly believe the rich of this country should not be allowed to "buy" politicians.
Those points are what steers me in my voting process.  Maybe some day we'll be able to get back to voting for the best man or woman instead of the "best political party," with the understanding that he or she will represent the people instead of the special interests that put them in office.
Until then, as a wise woman once said, "A man's gotta' do what a man's gotta' do."
...and I gotta' trust that voters will be registered, ready,  and running to the polls. 


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