An 'unhealthy' fight...

It's hard to believe that the Grand Ol' Party is still trying to scare the heck out of folks with their warped version of the Affordable Care Act - better known by their sarcastic name: "Obamacare."
They insist on telling us that it's not worth the paper it's written on.  Tell that to my son and his family.  They are saving close to $600 per month and they are enjoying better coverage and a lower deduction!  Millions of Americans are enjoying similar coverage.  Is the ACA perfect?  Of course not!  After all, Republican Politicians facing re-election fought the bill tooth and nail.  If not for them, we certainly could see a bill closer to perfection.
Depending on which party gets control in November, we will either see the GOP try to cut the funding of the ACA or the Democrats try to make improvements.
America ranks far down on the list of countries that offer better health care coverage.  Considering the wealth of our nation, that is an atrocity!  There are so many other things we find ways to fund, while we neglect the health of our citizens.  When it comes to listing the accepted human rights of a nation, good, affordable health care coverage should be at or near the top of the list.  Instead, the Republican Party of America consider it something they can personally afford but too expensive to offer the other 98%.  Sad.
Here in Montana, we have a candidate for the U.S. Senate that stands with the 1% regarding "Obamacare.  (Of course, he also stands with them on gutting just about all of the government programs for the Middle and Lower Class Americans.)
Amanda Curtis strongly disagrees with him.


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