Monday, September 29, 2014

Is 'Reasonable' in your vocabulary?

Reasonable people can disagree.  Unreasonable people can lie, cheat, disrespect, deceive, misrepresent, hide, stonewall, filibuster...and who knows what else.

The problem has always been about certain politicians.  Most of them could compromise and eventually agree on what was best for the country.  You'll recall stories of President Reagan and Speaker O'Neill vehemently debating an issue until a decision was made.  The two of them would then sit down for a drink after the dust had settled, confident that the right decision was made for the good of the country.

But, today, you can throw all of that out of the window.

It would be bad enough if all we had to contend with were cranky, polarized politicians, but it has gotten much worse than that.  It seems the country is divided into two groups:  Those who are only concerned with a win for their own political party, or those who have undergone their version of a self-inflicted lobotomy to sever all nerves that would allow politics into the thinking process of their brains. 

Both of these groups are a detriment to our country.

The answer to a politically polarized society is to ask but one question concerning all issues:  Is it good for America?

We cannot simply fight for a win for our favorite party and throw rocks at the opposition if we lose.  That wasn't how our framers wanted it and it shouldn't be how we want it. Honest and fevered debates are encouraged, but when winners are chosen, it should end.

The past several years have been torture for both supporters and opponents of our president.  It is not the end of the world if our guy didn't win, but it seems like you can catch glimpses of the end days when the losing side begins what appears to be another civil war.

We are a better nation than that.