The "Rich Grinch"...

A huge and terrifying issue is lurking just over the horizon. At the close of the day on November 4th, after all of the votes are counted, Montana may be in for a nightmare they didn't count on happening. 
So soon after Halloween and less than two months before Christmas, the massive money monsters will do their best to "buy" a seat in the United States Senate with none other than Steve "Shut 'er Down" Daines from Montana.
It's unlikely, but anything is possible in politics these days.
Who, you ask, could possibly vote for a guy who is a multi-millionaire Tea Party Republican with evil intentions on his mind?  Intentions, to be specific, such as:  Turning Medicare into a voucher system, Privatizing Social Security, Eliminating Medicaid altogether, and Repealing "Obamacare," to name just a few. 
If you haven't mailed in your ballot yet, please give serious thought to the two candidates running for the U.S. Senate from Montana.
You already know what you'll get from Daines.
Listen, and learn, from his opponent Amanda Curtis.  She is, simply stated, the exact opposite. She will cast votes in the U.S. Senate for the Middle and Lower Class in Montana...and that amounts to about 99% of us.
If you are sympathetic toward the corrupt manipulation of the rich in our political system, then by all means - vote for "Shut-'er-Down" Daines.
But if you think the "Rich Grinch" has damaged America enough, and you are in favor of returning things to our Middle and Lower Class citizens - vote for Amanda Curtis.
Don't let the Grinch steal from us again!


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