The Once-Grand Symbol...

It is with such pitiful irony that the mascot for the Republican Party was chosen because of its benevolent and seemingly ageless adoration from people around the world. 
The elephant is one of the most admired creatures on Earth. They are known to show exceptional grief at the loss or injury of their own, and are the center of attention in circus tents around the world.  They are one of the most photographed animals, and are adored by adults and children alike.  An elephant's slow, methodical movement as it goes about the required tasks are legendary.

None of that, however, has defined the political party to which it has long been its symbol.  The political party has, in fact, become much the opposite.

The elephant's once-revered attraction - its highly-prized tusks - has become its downfall.  Much like the political party it symbolizes, it will eventually be brought to extinction because of the greed of people.

The followers of the "elephant party" will fight to poach the last tusk from the last elephant before slipping into the dust bin of American Political history.

Moral:  Next time, my Republican friends, chose a bag of gold for your symbol. It's inanimate, needs no special care, and better suits your image.

...and it will still buy you all of the elections your little hearts desire.



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