A Newspaper's lame endorsement...

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle says hometown guy, Cong. Steve Daines, deserves Senate support. Yeah, we know...shock!  The real shock, however, is in the reasoning behind the newspaper's endorsement.
I had to read their opinion a couple of times, looking for found reasoning as to their decision.  The headline certainly states that "Daines deserves Senate support," but the body copy leaves you asking, "Why?"
The best I could come up with was the fact that his opponent, Amanda Curtis - "while a rising star in the Democratic Party and came to the race too late with too few resources and too little experience" - isn't worth wasting our vote.
Is that a reason to vote for Steve Daines?
Is the fact he wants to privatize Social Security a reason to vote for him?  Is the fact that he wants to turn Medicare into a voucher program for our seniors a reason to vote for him?  Is the fact he wants to obliterate Medicaid and "Obamacare" a reason to vote for him?
This endorsement is a hatchet job on Amanda Curtis from the get-go and an endorsement for Steve Daines without any good reason. They end the endorsement by stating they "urge him to work with Montana's senior senator Jon Tester, particularly on issues related to the management of public lands, issues that are so important to Montanans."  Doesn't the Chronicle have access to Daines' voting record?
If the only reason the Chronicle could come up with for not voting for Curtis was her inexperience, then I will give you my endorsement:
I will take an INEXPERIENCED Amanda Curtis over an EXPERIENCED hatchet-wielding Tea Party Republican Steve Daines any day! 


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