Money, Money, Money...

As of October 6, 2014, Congressman Steve Daines has spent $1.5 Million on almost 12,000 television ads.
Also, Americans for Prosperity, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Karl Rove's American Crossroads - categorized as "Republicans and Allies" have spent $188,000 on an additional 2,600 television ads.
Amanda Curtis has $505,000 on hand and has not spent a dime on television ads, thus far.

All of that said, you would think Daines should be leading by thirty or forty points.  He isn't, and the margin is narrowing.  Many think the outcome will be decided by who shows up to vote. There are enough following Curtis in their hearts, but whether they show up to support her at the ballot box is another matter.

Daines is a Tea Party multi-millionaire who is not necessarily loved by mainstream Republicans, but they will tolerate him if he can add to their count in the U.S. Senate.  They'll try to deal with him after he is seated.

Curtis is the obvious favorite of many Montanans because of her desire to resurrect the Middle and Lower Class who have been plowed under by the  rich and their relentless drive to "buy" political office seats and further feather the nests of America's richest.  But, those Curtis followers will have to get off their butts and get to the ballot boxes or it will be another win for the money guys.

I have often wondered what a guy feels like when he knows he can afford to spend millions just to "buy" a Senate seat and satisfy his own ego? The return on his investment, based on Senator wages, is certainly no great enticement.  I would rather know that I got the win because people voted for me, and not because I had the most money.  And, why are all of those out-of-state money bags dictating our Montana election?  Think about that one.  What are they expecting in return for their money?

Determining winners in races based on who holds the most money is a hard thing to swallow and it leaves a terrible taste in your mouth.  Even worse, that taste will last until the next election and undergo many more hardships to 99% of the American citizens.


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