Monday, July 24, 2023

Has the GOP considered Marjorie Taylor-Greene for President?

 Beware the remnants 
of the MAGA/Republican Party!

The ground is still littered with bodies - and some of them are still alive. As they slither across the political landscape, it seems there is no end to the misery and havoc the GOP can cause.  The hard right radical arm of the struggling Republican Party is set to drag their still-sniveling, still-delusional false prophet - Donald Trump - into another season of presidential mayhem. 

Deep down in our heart of hearts would anyone want that again.  He has not changed. He has not softened. He has not gained any truth and honesty. He is the same broken man - from his red cap down to his black heart!

But, he is more than 30 points ahead of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who is number two in the Republican race to receive the party's nomination. . . and he is fading fast!  

If you believe Trump can overcome at least 5 state and federal court cases, you seem to have your general election horse in the starting gate and ready for the presidential race. 

I'd say your candidate is a twelve-year-old, three-legged nag that already has an empty nosebag of oats and a one-way ticket to the glue factory.

Red hatters, have you considered Marjorie Taylor-Greene? She doesn't give a damn about our rule of law, constitution, and democracy either!


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