Saturday, July 15, 2023

What, Exactly, Do We Owe This Crook?

"Power tends to corrupt; Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Quote attributed to 19th century British politician Lord Acton

According to Donald Trump and his acolytes in the U.S. Senate and House, America is "too close to an election to proceed with federal and state court cases against him." These court cases must be held after the 2024 election. Why?  Because if he is hauled into court before the election,  it might give him a disadvantage at the polls. And we must guarantee there will be parades and MAGA banners hanging from each building front on every building in America six months prior to Election Day. And there will be free MAGA caps to all attorneys who will lie for him. And there must be music and free lunches for every American who promises to vote for "individual number one!" And there will be "get out of jail free cards" for all insurrectionists!  And one free drink at Mar-A-Lago the day after the election, hosted by Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Have I forgotten anything for poor Donald?   We must make certain every possible legal loop-hole  is afforded him.  

Word on the street, however, says, "throw his butt in jail and then have the election." 

I cannot believe we are even having this discussion. Have the MAGA/Republicans taken absolute leave of their senses? This is not a board game run by the meanest guy at the table. This is not a stunt to see how far we can go at screwing with our constitution.

To most of us, this is messing with our rule of law. To the relatively handful of MAGA folks, it is pure, unadulterated and absolute corruption-at-the-courthouse! 

He is guilty as hell and about all he has for his defense is to try to stall this nightmare until after the election.

Don't let him!



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