We Americans Deserve To Live Up To Our Dreams. . .

Maybe the Green Bay Packers came up with a great idea.  They have nearly cleared the field of last year's players to make room for the 2023-2024 season.

Think about that in political terms. We would have a chance to write off Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mo Brooks, Marjorie Taylor-Green, Lauren Boebeck, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, Ron Johnson, Marsha Blackburn. . . oh, be still my beating heart. . . and several more MAGA Republicans!

The newbies could come on board with heads full of knowing what has to be done and hearts full of love for our democracy.  They would be replacing those who have heads full of lobbyist's money and hearts full of hate.

America deserves a second chance at what I remember it used to be like. We spoke to everyone on the street before finding our what their political stripes were. We didn't hate everything that wasn't like us. And, most of all, most of us voted for the best candidate, regardless of their political party!

I know that sounds like utopia, but America really was much closer than it is today.  For the past five or six years, we are closer to the other end of the spectrum. In fact, we are across the tracks, down the hill, and heading at warp speed away from that "shinning city on the hill."

Everything needs a good scrubbing once in a while, and our political picture is in serious need of a going over with a heavy-duty steel rasp and high-speed metal grinder! - and removal of anything that can't be salvaged! 


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