The GOP is calling the shots here, ladies. . .

Republicans don't hate women
They just want the ladies to run things 
past them for approval first

 Once upon a time, an old child's game called "Monkey see, Monkey do" was played.  Children would take turns being the leader, communicating what to do  and where to go in their own way. Actions can include clapping, climbing, stomping, sliding, swinging, follow the head elephant, and gang up on the opposing political losers.

As the head elephants from the east came  up with new, blatant and more nasty things to do to the females of the land, the ideas finally seeped into Montana and its simple-minded Attorney General. He quickly accepted the plan!

If someone attempts to go to another state that has less restrictive abortion laws, our misogynistically-inspired, Republican-infested supermajority  will leap to the rescue and demand all of her health records through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  At last count, 19 Republican state Attorney Generals have heard the call and will obey the order from the GOP control tower, making the case for being able to access out-of-state medical records - not just for abortion, but also for gender-affirming care.

So it is written. . . So it shall be!


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