Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Move over Benedict Arnold. . .


Once upon a time, Donald Trump assembled his "crack legal team of attorneys" who would set out to prove the last presidential election was fraught with corruption, lies, and ballot skullduggery. They were a menagerie of misfits and nitwits most of the American people had never heard of before - with one exception: Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor. Their failures were many and their names will go down in the history books along side of America's other infamous traitors.  

These "smooth-talking devils" found only one thing they were good at: Finding a stage and a microphone to vent their outrageous, malicious, and frightening number of lies. 

Some have already lost their license to practice laws in certain areas of the nation. Some have yet to meet their punishment.  All will probably never get the punishment they deserve.  They are all guilty of nearly causing the overthrow of our national election and inciting a coup on our government. We cannot forget that these crooks also had the full backing on nearly every Republican in Congress.

To date, not one of these "Benedict Arnolds" has seen the inside of a jail cell! Maybe in someone's lifetime, one or two of them will. But, it will be too little and too late. 

When someone asks me about the next election, I will simple remind all voters of one thing: Every stinking one of these rascals wore a red cap, was white, was - and still is - rich, and a Republican.

We can never, ever let them hold an office again!

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