Beware: the second verse, could be better but plan on worse

 Montana's Supermajority Republican Legislature is plum tuckered out after the job they did cutting things from Montanans. They'll try tell us, of course, it will pay for the huge tax cuts given to themselves and their rich friends. 

Never mind that it ripped the heart out of needed programs many Montanans depend on.  

We all get tired of reading about what Gianforte and his band of MAGA/Republicans did to our beautiful state. It was a complete disaster and they only did it because they could. 

The Republican Legislators were still fighting for more cuts when the sine die was called and many were already leaving the Capitol. 

The second half of this session - if handled the same way - will leave most of us in gunny sack clothes, barefoot, and empty bellies. . . 

. . . but the MAGA crowd will be sitting in ninety-bushel-to-the-acre wheat fields and rain barrels filled to the brim with high-quality hooch!

(and that would make any farmer happy!)


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