Tuesday, July 18, 2023

It' was another "get outta my way" day for Elsie. . .

 Elsie's Li'l Wed Twuck

Elsie Arntzen, Montana's Superintendent of Public Instruction, is at it again.

We all remember just over a year ago when Elsie went around a school bus without stopping. It's "stop sign" was extended, red lights flashing,  and children were entering the bus. She paid a $100 fine and was reprimanded. She pled not guilty and her excuse was SHE DIDN'T SEE THAT HUGE YELLOW BUS WITH IT'S "STOP SIGN" FULLY EXTENDED AND FLASHING RED LIGHTS!

Recently, ol' Elsie was said to be following too close and rear-ended a car driven by a "young person who was confused about what a flashing yellow light meant and she stopped."  So, Elsie must have decided to teach the driver a lesson and  "rear-ended" her. She was fined $65, plus $35 for various surcharges (?) for another $100 total fine.

The only advice I could offer to anyone who spots Elsie in her lil red truck is simple:  Just get off the road until she is safely out of sight. 

Especially if she is going to another Republican "clambake" of some kind!


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