Evil Benefactors of the Mean Green Money Machine. . .

 Them that has, gets!

We don't enjoy the same kind of business owners or CEOs these days. They have a thirst for money. . . MORE money. . . and MORE money!

They also have a thirst for more profits - at the employees' expense. This country's richest are going whacko over more summer homes, more yachts, more private airplanes, and more pleasure trips to far-away exotic lands. 

They are also into buying politicians, judges and Supreme Court justices! We need to face what we Americans are becoming. . . a land of plain, ordinary, average "Shmoos" as cartoonist Al Capp called them. As Capp said, "we are lovable creatures who can lay an "egg," give milk and die of sheer ecstasy when looked at with hunger. The schmoo loved to be eaten and tasted like any food one would desire. Anything that delighted people drove a Schmoo to delirious heights."

In other words, we are most happy when the rich and fortunate take full advantage of our pitiful existence. 

Most rich, of course, have no scruples and a clear picture of their God-given (self-professed) entitlements. They refuse to admit their responsibly to pay their fair share of taxes, and decent wages to hardworking Americans who are keeping the  dollars rolling in to the "company store."

There truly are two Americas today, and it's becoming easier to delignate the dividing line.

A large monkey wrench strategically placed in the gear that makes their money roll in would quickly end their glutenous style of living!


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