The age-old story of "them what has, gets!"

 Scene of the Crime: Montana Capitol

The crime stories from Montana's Supermajority Legislature are plentiful. They litter the scene of what once was the Last Best Place. Voting rights were once available for everyone and abortions were a woman's right. 

Well-heeled out-of-staters descended on our state and grabbed houses for sale. They laid cash on the closing table - often much more than the asking price, to the detriment of locals hoping to have a home of their own or a place to rent.  

When the supermajority took over, our state became a living hell. It was no longer the "Last Best Place." Montana joined the MAGA/Republicans with a "battleground state" mentality and strut.

We must end this horror show now. 

We have new Democrat leaders installed, but this job will take the work of all of us! 



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