The Days of Payola Over People. . .

Once upon a time in the land of milk, honey, and payola was the impeccably-attired law-givers of the kingdom. They set the laws for we peasants of a lower social ranking. We, who are unsophisticated in the ways of laws, boorish and uneducated people of little financial means will spend much of their lives waiting with baited breath for black smoke to be emitted from the Supreme Court Building's cupola. This means new laws are about to be be handed down from the rich and infamous law gods on high. 

They have concluded their "deliberations," the respective justices are in receipt of their "payola," and are anxious to deliver their ultimatums. While 60% to 85% of their verdicts will be despised by the masses, it will be the law of the land, none the less.

Once again, politically-funded laws are on the books. . . that is, until some fancy-Dan donor comes up with more moola to crank up the stove for more black smoke.

It will soon be payola time, again,  from our nation's capitol! 


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