Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kellyanne's Mission Statement...

   "White House Alternative Facts" was the joke of the hour during the early days of the Trump Administration.  Little did we know it would be a harbinger of even worse to come.

   Let's just put the truth out there:  The newly elected president and his gaggle of "if I'm lyin', I'm dyin'"  nitwits have turned our White House into a fib factory the likes of which we have never seen   Currently, the president, alone, has filled the airways with more than 5,200 fact checked whoppers, and there appears to be no letting up.
   However, the real problem is more frightening than all of that.  Polls tell us the approval rating of the president is around 40%.  That means forty percent of America sees no problem with the White House lies!
   That is the most disgusting statistic that Americans should ever have to face. 
   Should we, God forbid, find ourselves at war, how could we rely on any communication from the White House?  How could we rely on a Republican Party telling us the truth?  (I remind you of the GOP lies about WM D's in Iraq that were used to attack that country, created a huge loss of our military's bravest and best, and thousands who came home with permanent disabilities.)
   Our president has been diagnosed by reputable people in the psychological field as a pathological liar.  People in senior roles in the White House have followed their president's lead - whether by orders from him, or because they see no harm in being untruthful.
   Our nation is in a downward spiral and it all began with the fact that the lies are destroying all of us.  The president has a plan to convince Americans that our media is "fake news" and "enemy of the people," and when they swallow all of that, they will swallow anything he wants to feed them.
   It seems we are with little recourse...until November 6th.  Then we can change control of the U.S. House and Senate.  The Presidency?  Maybe not until 2020.  Maybe sooner.
Please get involved in America's Future!


Monday, October 1, 2018

Who Can We Trust Anymore?

   Trust.  That one thing that weighs most heavily on our minds these days.
   This is how the Kavanaugh/Ford one-week FBI investigation is supposed to conclude:  The final report is handed over to President Trump, who is the client in this case.  He reviews the conclusion and then has the options of (1) revealing some, all, or none of it with the Republican Majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee, (2) revealing some, all, or none of it with the Democrat Minority on the said Committee, and/or (3) revealing some, all, or none of it with the American People. 
   I believe this is the way it has always been done. However, few can remember when an issue such as this ever came up. 
   I'm sure most of you remember when Sen. Lindsay Graham erupted in a hate-filled rage during the Kavanaugh Hearing about his thoughts on the "con job" the Democrats on the Committee were foisting upon the entire investigation.   Well, it turned out that one of GOP's own members, Sen. Flake of Arizona,  convinced the Committee that more investigating was necessary.  Since that outburst, Graham became rather meek and is now trying to show how conciliatory he can sometimes be.
   Many of us now have an issue with trust in the President to reveal the entire truth of the investigation.  Can we believe him to tell the truth about what the FBI's investigation reveals?  Will he tell his GOP members of the Committee what the investigation reveals? 

   We can all remember how GOP Rep. Nunes' Committee in the U.S. House became a huge debacle with a report that cherry-picked false information and ignored facts in order to do a hatchet job on the FBI and the AG.   He further issued a letter from his group that in no way coincided with the report from the minority members.  As a matter of fact, he was running back and forth to the White House to get his marching orders from the president.
   Will America ever be told the truth?
   From where I stand, the corrupt dealings in the U.S. House and Senate are hard for many to accept.   We are in a nation of "tribal warfare" and this Kavanaugh skirmish is but one of many battles.
   And then there are the 5,100+ fact checked lies from the President in the past two years.

   This Kavanaugh situation has squarely placed the "fox" in charge of the "hen house" while the public is left to scratch around the ground for "truth."

   With all due respect to Dr. Ford and her charges against Judge Kavanaugh, we Americans do have a much larger issue here:  We are at a point where we cannot trust much of anything coming out of our president and his political party!
   Truth is getting harder to find than hen's teeth.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The World Leaders, Minus One


                   Once upon a morning, dreary , while I listened - weak and weary.
                    Thoughts of who will soon be speaking, chills my heart forever more.       
                While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came this laughing,
                    as if someone loud and boastful, saying things not heard before.   
               "Tis some visitor," I muttered, "speaking to the leaders gathered.
                    Only him and nothing more.
    Many of us gasped in horror and thought to ourselves, "He's not going over there to speak again, is he?"

   But, alas, he did.

   The United States President spoke to the world's leaders at the United Nations this week.  His speech had to be patched together by John Bolton and Steve Miller, better known as the "hawks of Trumpslavania."  It was bitterness to most and kindness to our enemies.  It had all the trappings of America's road map to total isolationism and a near-direct assertion that if your country ever expects aid of any kind in the future, you best be our bestest friend today!

   As the cameras scanned the room during his speech, world leaders could be seen in total horror, disbelief, anger, and even laughter at his boastful claims about his administration accomplishing things never done before in the history of our nation.

   If we have ever questioned the charges by reputable people  about his narcissism, pathological lying, and various other character flaws - we should certainly embrace them now!

   The evidence is starkly written before us, and it counters everything that we hold to be true from our founders own words.  America will not allow an "unconventional" president to arbitrarily change what has been the belief of more than three-hundred million people. 

   The only ones who got away with that were dictators!



Monday, September 24, 2018

Who Decides What Rights You Can Have?

Opinion by
John Watson
   We truly live in a place and time of tribal madness.
   Why can't we come to a consensus on the fact that all Americans deserve the human rights as handed down by our founders.  It appears some seem to believe they, alone, have the right to decide who is deserving.
   And to put an even finer point on the issue, I hope no one really believes the current "fight" brewing in the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee has anything to do with confirming a Judge for the U.S. Supreme Court.  It is a down-in-the-gutter, only-white-men-matter, war-of-all-wars, to keep women and other minorities in their place.

   Judge Kavanaugh is a puppet fastened to the strings of rich ol' white guys on the Senate Committee and throughout the entire Senate who will be expected to dance to their bigoted, intolerant, and narrow-minded wishes once they get him confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

   No woman who begs to enjoy the rights she has already been given  will find herself a friend of the Republican Party.  Her choices only extend as far as the white, male, right-wing politicians will allow.  Does the Right place restrictions on what a male can and cannot do with his body?  Surely, you jest!

   Nearly all other minorities have long been "unfriended" by Republicans, as well.  Their rights to vote, work, and live as equals are insufferable to Republicans.

   You see, Republicans are narrow-minded and intolerant of anything beyond their own status in life.  Their quest is to "control the masses."  Their ideology is "we get ours first and then you get what's left."

   Democrats are broad-minded and tolerant of all others.  Their quest is to bring human rights to all humans.  They believe in justice for all.  They want to remove money from politics, from corporations buying elections, and from lobbyists buying votes.

   That is the pure, simple difference that you now need to see.

   And when money and power is "buying" a lifetime job for a Supreme Court Justice while trying to quiet the story of a lady who says she was victimized by that Judge, we all need to think about what our founding fathers would have done.  You remember who they are - the ones who used to think everyone was equal under the law:  white, colored, male, female, young, old, gay, know, We The People! 
   Go to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and read the definitions of Liberal and Conservative.  I would point out that under the later, there is no mention of  "we get to decide."

   From the looks of things in Washington and around the country...some of you are going to be in for a big surprise!

   One further point must be mentioned here:  Kavanaugh is not just anti-abortion and anti-gay...he is also in favor of corporate entanglement in our elections and increased pressure to suppress voting rights. 

   But the greatest of his evils is still the wrong-headed thinking of women's - and all minorities - RIGHTS!




Friday, September 7, 2018

Wheels on the tarmac...Lies in the teleprompter

   Even way out here in the west, we mountain and plains people of Montana can see the destructive power of this President, Donald J. Trump.

   Oh, I know...those easterners see us as backward folks, living halfway up the side of some big ol' mountain, with limited television news and even more limited learnin' to read newspapers.  I really believe they think we are oblivious to the evil seeping from under the doors and through the cracks of the White House.

   Well, maybe some of us were.

   But ever since Air Force One dropped its landing gear in Great Falls and Billings, we who have a vehicle capable of getting us to those sites, a television set with rabbit ears to tune in the event, or those wealthy enough to have cable television, we were exposed to the incredible folly of Donald J. Trump, hisself.

   One day someone on Trump's  staff pointed out Montana on a wrinkled up map and whispered into his ear, "Jon Tester country."

   That's about all it took for him to see our beautiful state as a few hundred thousand backwoods voters ripe for the taking.  He ordered his make-up artists, hair combers, and someone with an extra quart of orange facial spray to climb aboard. 

   A more pitiful show could never be imagined!

   There are the "actors" who are seated behind him, complete with sign and smiling and yelling faces.  If a "normal" citizen happens into this menagerie, he or she is quickly replaced by a "happy face" who walks right on stage and orders the sane one right off the stage.  Those ordered off were previously seen as looking dumbfounded or flabbergasted at Trump's words - and obvious lies.  Videos do not lie, dude!

   Maybe we Montana folks are just more down to earth and carefree, and give a stranger a minute to "come clean" to his foolishness.  Maybe we don't want to believe he really is that corrupt.  Maybe when we read his tweets, we want to think someone else is writing those damn things.

   Then again, maybe we are just too patriotic to think this kind of a pathological liar could have ever been elected.

   A lesson for all:  Many Montana voters were bamboozled the first time, but I'd bet my next social security check they won't be come November Mid-Term Elections.  That election is going to be the most important in my life - and that's about sixty years of voting.  We need to convince the young voters to take thirty minutes and go vote.  We need to convince the women and minorities to do their thirty minutes, too.  If they don't, we are heading for the cliff...

  And it will be the fault of all of us, because we did not use the most powerful tool given to us by our founding fathers...THE RIGHT TO VOTE. 



Monday, September 3, 2018

Forgive Him, For He Knows Nothing...

   In the past twenty-four hours, I've come to the conclusion that most of America has been dead wrong about President Trump.
   It has been widely reported that the president is building an autocratic, white nationalist, authoritarian form of government.
   In fact, it is now my belief that he is actually building a mobster empire the likes of which no one has ever seen.  Alfonse Capone would be envious beyond belief.    Trump has taken to heart the infamous role I once bestowed upon him:  The 'Don' of the New York Crime Family and their various thugs have been blazing across America with their contemptible arrogance and/or flat-out rejection of our laws.  Trump and his legion of liars have brought embarrassment, disgust, and confusion from our allies, while accepting praise from our enemies.
   Meanwhile, back at the 'ranch' (sometimes referred to as the U.S. House and Senate)  the GOP members are displaying poker faces and twelve-inch wide stripes of yellow down their backsides.  They are mumbling phrases such as, "I need to hear more before making a decision," or "we're taking your concerns under consideration."   Maybe 'more' would be , "the president has just resigned and is now  heading to Moscow on his bigly jet with even biglier letters that spell T R U M P the length of the plane." 

   Trump refuses to admit his ignorance of the job and feigns his style of leadership as simply unorthodox or unconventional. 

   His tweets are juvenile, vengeful, and anything but presidential.  We can picture this tweet-addict sitting on the side of his bed, in his pajamas, in the early morning hours...getting even with all who have dared to criticize him in the past twenty-four hours. 

   We must admit to ourselves that America has a man who is as far from being presidential as any president we have ever known or read about.  At the very least, Nixon found a palpable reason to resign.  (Impeachment, he said, would take up too much valuable time of the House and Senate)

   A skill in perceiving the needs of the day for America are woefully lacking in the mind of Trump.

   And, the impartial work that is needed by our legislatures to clean up the mess they have allowed to linger is not only lacking, but dead. dead. dead.






Thursday, July 19, 2018

His Lies Lessen Us As Americans...

"I'm really getting sick of these lies"

   I can remember my parents sitting close to the radio and listening to FDR give his "fireside chats."  Those chats kept American families up to date on what was happening in the world - especially as they related to America.  I'm sure everyone with a radio was quieting the kids and listening with great interest.  And they were confident that they would get the truth.
   Today, our president handles his leadership and concern for American families much different...he ignores them!   What a family gets today is tweets from morning to night -  mostly about whatever dribbles out of his mind, and whatever is about him. And more often than not, the facts be damned!
   You see, we have a narcissistic, self-inflated, pathological liar who must spend most of his time berating everyone and anyone who has spoken or written against him.   
   The most telling psychological rendition of Donald J. Trump can be gleaned from the mind of a man called Tony Schwartz.  If his name doesn't sound familiar, it's because he is the silent - but the only - co-author of the book Trump likes to claim as his work:  "The Art of the Deal."  Schwartz says, "I wrote the entire book.  Trump took out some names of people he either didn't like or didn't want to hurt."  Schwartz goes on to say, "Trump has said on national television shows that he has written many books...many good books.  Well, his name may be on them, but he not only didn't write any of them, but I doubt very much that he has even read them...because he neither writes nor reads!"

   Schwartz's analysis of how Trump thinks is like this:  "He lives with his brain in a bubble, and anything he thinks about  become his reality.  He doesn't care that anyone calls him a liar, because in his own mind, all that matter is what he thinks."

   Schwartz uses this example to further illustrate the man:  Trump could hold up a bottle of water on television and say it is a bottle of catsup.  The media would report that it was a bottle of water and Trump would, in response, tell people that they were just lied to by those despicable enemies  of the people...the lying, fake news media.  And to his last breath, he will believe it was catsup. 
   This is Donald Trump, our President of the United States of America.  How do we know we can believe him when something really serious comes at us?   Something terribly frightening that may include American deaths?  Who will stand up and tell us the truth?  Will our Congress finally grow a backbone and decide to put America ahead of their party and tell us?

   This man lies!  And his lies lessen us as Americans...and it lessens our friends around the globe.

   And he lies, and he lies, and he lies!


Thursday, June 28, 2018

It's YOUR Rights They Want To Plunder...

Conservatives don't give a rip about your rights

   There comes a time when you just have to call a spade a gawd-damn shovel...and that time is now.

   It is as obvious as the nose on everyone's face that our president is in the process of 'blowing up' all global alliances we have with our allies.  (It appears he is content to just chum around with our enemies.)  The UN, NATO, EU...all are wondering what the hell is going on in America.

   Domestically, we are in even bigger trouble.  The Conservatives are running amok with idiotic assaults on human rights while handing over truckloads of money to the country's ultra-rich. They have plans in place to drastically cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.   They are challenging our immigration laws to fit their racist and bigoted views of what they want America to become...even to the point of building a gigantic twenty-five billion dollar wall across our southern border.  Ridiculous!

   Perhaps the most dangerous move underway is how the U.S. Supreme Court is becoming stacked with ultra-Conservative thinkers.  Roe v. Wade, Women's Rights, Gay Rights, Workers' Rights, Suppression of Voters' Rights, and Mega-Money in our Elections are laws that are all being targeted. 

   But who am I most angry with?  The voters who sat on their butts in 2016 and let this all happen.  A number that should be ingrained into everyone's brain is 44.37%.  That's the number of registered voters who did not vote in the last election.  That's the group who could have saved us all from the onslaught of Donald J. Trump and his horde of liars and slash-and-burn Cabinet thugs . 

   Civil Rights, as we know them, are on the chopping block by the end of 2018.  The Supreme Court will be but an extension of the Conservative Party, with decisions handed down based on political reasoning instead of the laws upon which our country was founded.

   The only thing we can do within the law is to get to the ballot boxes and change our legislative and executive directions.  We only need two or three changes in the U.S. Senate to get control.  A majority in the U.S. House is harder, but definitely possible.  And, if we can't impeach the president, we will need to wait it out until 2020. 

   All of this is possible if we can just find a way to get all registered voters to VOTE!  Other countries can get seventy, eighty, and even ninety percent of their citizens to vote. 

   So, why do Americans want to stay home and then 'curse the darkness' for four years? 

   They just don't seem to care...until it's too late.  Well, I'm here at my keyboard telling you... now is too late, but we can fix it...if everyone votes!



Thursday, June 21, 2018

I am the "Maryland Marauder"

   Matt Rosendale has tried to weave himself into Montana Politics like a cockle bur weaves itself into the fur of 
my little dog, Toby.
Painfully.  Parasitically.  Purposefully.
   While many find fault with Mr. Rosendale because he has a questionable record of where his true residence is, I do not find that a long as wherever he resides gives him legal status to run for the U.S. Senate from the State of Montana.
   He has plenty of flaws more serious than coming from Maryland that would raise alarm bells about  his candidacy and - God forbid - his actual winning a Senate Seat.

   As Montana Auditor, he has announced plans to sue two pharmaceutical companies for failing to tell medication patients that they can save money by using cash instead of their insurance to buy prescriptions. This "news" is old to everyone, but Rosendale has decided to bring it up now because it might be good for a few votes.  This information should have been scrutinized by his office long ago.  Of course, it's more timely for his Senate run now.

   Rosendale is still insisting that Montana's federal lands be transferred to state ownership, and in the minds of most Montanans, that is criminal.  Our state can't afford to maintain them and they will be eventually be sold off to the mega- rich Montanan and out-of-state bidders.  We can't let this happen!

   Montana is just fine the way it is and we do not need another big money guy trying to serve up our precious and beautiful land to the greedy and corrupt individuals of America.  This business of handing everything over to Corporate America has got to stop.

   Rosendale is a billionaire real estate developer in a Montana Auditor's three-piece suit.

   And, that's all you need to remember on election day.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Final Contingency

   Has anyone heard this before:   "We will correct this and learn from it.  We will make sure it never happens again."
   Yeah.  I think I've heard it a few hundred times, too.  The worst part of it is the sad fact that it happens over and over involving the same ugly misdeed.  That should tell us that the promises of "making sure it never happens again" are as bogus as the next politician's promise.
   Political mischief that spurs these repetitive missteps is the bane of American Politics and the downfall of many of America's self-described "leaders."

   I like to think that there was a time when we went to the polls and elected people who knew what was good for our citizens and our country.  Sure, there have always been political differences of opinion, but we usually found a way to come together and make it work.

   The despicable state of our political scene can be attributed to one thing:  Polarization of the Political Parties.  If the devil, himself, appeared on the ballot of either of our major political parties, he would certainly acquire at least 90% of the votes.  His warts, lies, and sinful ways would do little-to-no harm to the ticket.  It is simply the answer to the age-old adage:  "He may be the devil, but he's our devil."

   There is a solution to all of this, but many of us would cringe at the extent to which America would have to go to find a way out of this swampy wilderness.  While many would shriek in horror, most of us - after fully understanding the consequences - would roll up our sleeves and get to work.

   The solution?  Implement the final contingency.

   And if you want to know more about that, you'll have to wait to read my book, "The Final Contingency."  It is now underway and keeping  me awake at nights.  (My jabbering time on Facebook is in jeopardy, too.)

   Don't worry...I write fast.  Faster than the wheels of political justice, even.




Friday, May 25, 2018

This mess is getting worser and worser

Trump's criminally-supportive Congressional Republicans are also brain-dead delusional.

   The truth of the matter is, virtually every one of our government intelligence agencies concluded that Russia meddled with our 2016 presidential election, but our  president refuses to accept it.
   This fact alone has become the most cataclysmic event of our  nation's once proud and glorious history.
   But, as hard as that pill is to swallow, we are now confronted with an even larger and more ruinous pill of seismic portions!
   To explain:  I thought we had gained considerable knowledge from Nixon's Watergate that "the cover-up is always worse than the crime."  Evidently, that is not the case.  In fact, it appears we did not learn a damn thing about the crimes of politicians and their political cover-ups.
   The President and his White House Staff have loosed the hounds of hell and completely eclipsed the evil deeds of whatever Russia did to us.  They have shifted the "presidential lying machine" into high gear and are laying waste to everything once considered sacred to American Values.
   And that is what will really do us in as a respected member of the free world.  People around the globe are seeing giant cracks in our "beacon of freedom."  Our word is not nearly as good as it once was, our friends are not nearly as close as they once were, and our enemies are taking a closer look at our vulnerabilities.  In short, we are much less than we once were!
   This president has cast aside any concern he might have had for America and his only interest right now is to save his own butt!  He will not accept the truth and he will not accept the consequences of his irrational actions.
   This must all stop!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Who are Trump's Poll Monkeys?

Political Cartoon by Darko
The woods are frightening, dark and deep,
but he has many lies to keep,
and miles to go before we sleep,
and miles to go before we sleep.
    America finds herself in a deep, dark and scary wooded area, and it's about time she readjusts her actions on just what to do about this horror.  Continually tossing hand grenades at the president and his gang of deplorables seem to be getting us nowhere.  These "poll monkeys," who help the president's approval numbers reach 43%, must get our immediate attention.  Most would agree if we could remove his support system, he would give up because he operates on an ego that is juiced by his adoring fans.  And, he would be rendered impotent if he had no one to cheer at his never-ending, lie-infested, campaign-style tweets and rallies.  

   Think about it.  Roughly 43% of those who were polled think we are living in a land of sunshine,  free wine, and roses.  Do these people live underground and do nothing but contemplate the lint in their belly buttons?  We hear noise from them, such as,  "just try to impeach the president and we will begin Civil War II."  Or, maybe threats like, "We're armed and ready to fight!"

   This is the attitude that permeates the air these days.    These are the people you see at Trump rallies.  They are the folks that sit behind the president at his rallies, or those who roam the audience with conspicuous side arms, Confederate Flags, and displaying nauseating signs of what would happen if someone declared opposition to their "leader."  All of this should remind us of something that happened many years ago in Europe.  Those thugs thought their "might was right,"  too.)  

   This isn't America any more.  This is a nation that has stumbled and is having trouble getting back to its feet.  And, it is a nation that should have been able to rely on its congress to right the ship, but its congress is only interested in protecting their own butts - and butts of their all-important political party!

   Trump's poll monkeys are easy to spot:  They see no evil, hear no evil, and certainly will never speak of evil.  Watch for them the next time the president needs a big shot of "ain't I great" and stages another "love me" rally.

   Believe me, they will be easy to spot. 









Monday, May 14, 2018

Money, money, money...

cartoon by John Watson

   "I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...
Money, money, money
always sunny
In the rich man's world"
(from ABBA lyrics of Money, Money, Money)
    I think about these words whenever I have trouble sleeping because of the turmoil President Trump and his "swamp full of deplorables" have created for America.  Consider this list - and it is far from complete - about the decisions they have made in the name of things they want us to believe will be good for America, but are really only good for themselves and Corporate America.
   Any list should begin with their elimination of regulations on companies that will allow them to make more money while making our fresh air more deadly, our drinking water more polluted, and our land more ravaged and left for taxpayers to clean up.  Of course, their promises of more jobs or pay raises is a pipe dream that has long ago been debunked.
   Let's not forget the huge $1.5 trillion tax cut gift to the Two-percenters in America, and a few crumbs left on the table for the other Ninety-Eight percenters.  Which group do you think the "swamp" was considering helping?
   In America, 1 out of 5 children go to bed hungry.  The "swamp" makes cuts in Food Stamps, Medicaid, and various other programs that used to help these kids.  Why?  To help the GOP pay for their welfare programs for the rich.
   We all know that money is the root of all evil, but it seems the "Trump swamp" has enlisted the Christian Right to forgive them of their sins. 
   You would be hard pressed to find an issue out of this "swamp" that does not monetarily benefit our richest.  The things that America most urgently needs, like our crumbling infrastructure - always finds its way to the bottom of their list.  Too expensive.  No money available.   But a $1.5 trillion tax cut for those that really don't need it...well the "swamp" knows right where to get that amount:  from programs for our most needy citizens! 
   Look around.  This is no Liberal rant.  This is the "swamp" speaking.  And the "swamp" is saying, "We have to fatten our money vaults while we're still in power.  And, for our fat friends, too!"
   All the things "we" could do
  If I had a little money
  It's a rich man's world.
Money, money, money
must be funny
In a rich man's world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Prime Minister "Nut 'n Honey"

One Man's Opinion...

   Let's look at how "Nut 'n Honey" manhandled the President of the United States in 5 easy steps:

   (1)  He made trips to gin up hostility against Iran during a joint session of Congress and the President, and to get them to do what would be best for Israel.

   (2)  He made a speech (complete with 20' x 40' visuals and countless screaming headlines) about how Iran was cheating on the "deal" and ready to attack Israel.  No real proof, just "gut feelings and a box-full of hyperbole."

   (3)  He once again insisted that President Trump pull out of the "terrible, senseless deal."  (Trump's terminology is much more crude and inflammatory regarding "Obama's idiotic deal")

   (4)  Trump announces to America and the world that he is, indeed, pulling out of this "Iran Deal"...a deal that so far seems to be working, at least as far as what Iran had agreed to do.

   (5)  Moments after Trump's speech, "Nut 'n Honey" announced that Iran was "bringing their weapons to readiness" and Israel was going on full alert.

   This is how Israel is planning for Trump to initiate a war with Iran.  "Nut 'n Honey's" false information about Iran is eerily similar to how Americans were fed false information from George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to get us into a war with Iraq.

   If we allow this to happen to America again...shame on us!

  If Israel wants to fight Iran...Trump should say, "fine, "Nut 'n Honey," ...I'll hold your coat!


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Bozeman, MT: The Political Portal from Hell

John Watson
Retired Newspaper Publisher
   One man's opinion...
     Montanans...we've got trouble my friends, I say trouble! ... right here in the Bozone:  the beautiful, vibrant Bozeman, Montana.  And it starts with "R" and rhymes with "bizarre" and stands for "Republicans."
   First we had a "gazillionaire" named Steve Daines who entered the U.S. Senate through the "political portal from Hell" with the help of the Republican National Committee's digging into a meaningless error by his Democrat opponent, and then spending millions to force him to quit the race.  Daines continues to repay their generosity by proving to be a rubber stamp of the highest order on all bills spawned by a Republican.
   Then we had another multi-millionaire, Greg Gianforte, who crawled through the "political portal" and ended up in Bozeman.  On the eve of the election, he showed his political prowess as a Republican by beating a news reporter to the ground because he didn't like the question he was being asked.  He has become a rubber stamp for the Trump Republicans, as well.  His hatred for the media makes him a strong, loyal Trump-kind-of-guy.
   And now - drum roll, please - we find ourselves in the awful presence of Troy Downing:   Bozemanite, Bazillionaire, Bamboozler, and Bonehead.  He is pending trial for purchasing a resident hunting license when it appears his residence is really California...a wine-producer, no less.  Most importantly, however, is he has been able to convince the Bozeman powers-that-be to stop any court action until AFTER THE PRIMARY ELECTION!  Now just how did he do that, Bozeman? 
   The point of all of this is how did all three of these mega-rich, out-of-state Republicans happen to come to Bozeman and our low-population, hard Right state and use our voters to make their way to Washington D.C.?
   Doesn't that bother you...just a little bit?
   I love Bozeman...but I sure don't like some of their politicians.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Things that go "bump" on the Right

   It is tragically true.  We, as Americans, have met an enemy that some think is unbeatable.

   In recent years, the Republican Party hardliners have worked hard to position themselves for a political coup that their predecessors could only dream about.  With their party in control of the U.S. House and Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Oval Office, all of the pieces for the coup were in place, and needed only the nefarious bad actors in the personages of muckamucks such as  Speaker Ryan, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, and President Trump.

   This coup has one overwhelming goal, and that is to make sure Corporate America benefits in every way possible from the actions of this political regime.  As for average Americans - no so much.

   Tax cuts for the rich and super rich - to the tune of more than a trillion dollars - are doled out like candy with the false promise that it will "trickle down."  

   Adding insult to injury, they next announced that "entitlements" would have to be cut in order to pay for the unpaid tax cuts.  These include - among many others - Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Those unimportant and pesky essentials for the "little people," so to speak.

   Rounding out the disgraceful handling of our government's affairs domestically and abroad, the president finds himself in big trouble with many over whether he won the election with foreign help (Russia, for one), his predilection for not telling the truth, and his very questionable choices for Cabinet positions.  And then, of course, there is accusations of his very murky past as a womanizer and an adulterer.

   If the president's problems aren't enough for America, most of the Republican Congressional muckamucks add their own poison to the brew by supporting him - hook, line, and sinker.  Thus far, they have refused to address any of the current problems that are facing our nation.

   It may be an over-reach for some of us, but I see this entire plot as dangerous as anything America has encountered since our civil war.  There are hate groups across our nation that seem to place their own selfish wants far above what is good for our country, and they appear to care less about whether they go down with the ship of state.  In short, they just don't give a damn about much of anything except causing chaos in America.  It does, however, give them plenty of exposure in front of national television cameras.

   But, good news may be ahead:  Election 2018!  We'll see, maybe a counter coup is in the making and the pendulum will swing back to sanity.  If you recognize such a movement.... JOIN IN!