Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mikey the Malevolent. . .

His sanctimonious drivel only accents his phony and pious demeanor. 

Mike Pence, former vice president of the United States of America, is a charlatan and a bonafide liar of immense proportions. 

When the insurrectionists were looking for him throughout the Capitol on January 6th, he and his family ran from them like rats deserting the sinking democracy. They were on a mission to hang the man for failing to carry out the former president's order to overturn the 2020 election! (It is noted, however, that he lacked the power to do so.)

Today, Pence is all puffed up and lying his butt off regarding the coup he and Trump hatched that would put them back into office. That holier-than-thou look on his face is fooling no one. 

Ol' Mikey is looking for a way to fire up his political steam engine again. Perhaps he thinks Trump has a real chance at winning the 2024 presidential election. Perhaps he thinks Trump will pick him to be his running mate again. Perhaps, as many people think, ol' Mikey has become addlebrained! The threat of being hanged will stay with you for a long time.

It would be more realistic for Ol' Mikey to go back home and run for a menial office of some kind that wouldn't demand public trust!

This is a problem that is rampant throughout the Republican Party. Too many of them cannot be trusted to ever hold a public office again. They are out to destroy our democracy in order to save their political party. Their plan is not even covert anymore! They have told us how and why they will do it. They have a tremendous fear of 2045, when the white race will become a minority in America. It will negate nearly 75% of their reasons for being a Republican.

Ol' Mikey might as well look for another line of work. Pious and sanctimonious won't sit well when you're a white minority!

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