Friday, October 22, 2021

Old Joe is Captain of his Yacht - and of the U.S. Senate

 Joe Has A Plan. . . 

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is currently "Captain of the U. S. Senate" and  Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona is his First Mate."

Senator Joe is a thinker. There are several heavy thoughts on his mind. First, he is the proud owner of a lucrative West Virginia coal mine. Many Americans are not aware of this. How the Biden plans will proceed in the field of climate change is going to affect the profitability of his coal mine. In 2019, Joe's profit from that mine was nearly $500,000.00 and roughly the same for 2020. That certainly weighs heavily on his head.

And then there is his mostly-conservative constituents back home. He must choose his every senate vote with extreme caution.  He recently received $400,000 from conservative donors. There is a persistent rumor that old Joe is about to give up his Democrat status and go with a new "party affiliation." 

You see, Joe isn't in the United States Senate for West Virginia or The United States of America. 

Joe is in it for Joe!

When you are elected to the U. S. Senate, you are expected to put on your big boy pants and begin speaking for America and her needs. We don't particularly care about what's in Joe's backyard unless it will affect America.  We do care about cheaper health care, better roads and bridges, and the rich paying their fair share in taxes. 

Joe is worried about what will happen to his beloved coal mine profits while he's about to give the Senate Democrats - and America - the shaft! 

He lives on his yacht on the Potomac River while in Washington D.C. It's big, it's very fancy, and it's called "Almost Heaven."

Old Joe is pretty well fixed. You'd think he'd think about the rest of us once in a while. After all, that is why he was sent to Washington. We'd like a taste of "almost heaven," too.

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