Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Not Only Bat-Poop Crazy, But Chicken-Poop Scared, Too!

There is a unique wonderment about the rarified atmosphere that hovers around most of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and in too many states which they control across the country. To call it "bats**t crazy" may be doing an injustice to the bats.

It seems these creatures from the former president's swamp are now trying to out-do each other for the "big guy's affection." They are all well known and are constantly looking for a CNN reporter in the halls of congress with an open mike, camera, and a few minutes of time.  

The biggest fear these spineless congressional nitwits face is slipping up and causing a moment of consternation in the mind of the "big guy."  If he turns against a fellow Republican, they will be facing one of his "clones of choice" in the next primary. And that is enough to send shudders up and down that worthless thing they call their spine!

"The Republican Party of Trump is now clearly an authoritarian party. It embraces, condones, accepts and promotes political violence, and does not accept electoral defeat. Their glorification of January 6 proves that they are okay with a violent seizure of power. If they can't win elections fairly, they'd rather end democracy." Steven Levitsky, Professor of Political Science, Harvard University.
Fear can do strange things to Republicans, and strangest of all is committing total mayhem and turning our democracy into a dumpster fire. They are like little brats who didn't get their way and will makes us all rue the day their president was defeated in 2020!

Their actions since that earth-shattering day of Nov. 3, 2019 will live in infamy. They have gone ballistic, and are breaking all of the rules in our law books. They have brought about a curse on all who are against them, and they mean to see that curse to its fruition.

There must be something someone can do to stop this complete train wreck. Its momentum is supplying its own forward thrust and it seems they are "hell bent to election" to achieve authoritarian rule!

May the Good Lord preserve us; every one!

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