Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Inconvenient Truth About Future Elections. . .

 I See Rigged Elections 
In Our Future 

It is past time for us to open our eyes, clear our minds, and concentrate on what the Republican Party of Trump is doing to our democracy.

In order to do that, we must all refresh our memories of the story about that poor frog and a pan of water. If we heated that pan of water to a boil and dropped the frog into it, he would soon find himself floating on a lily pad to his rainbow bridge. But, if we put him in the pan of cool water and slowly began turning up the heat, he would hardly notice how uncomfortable it is - until, of course, it is too late!

That is what the Republican Party of Trump is doing to us today. They have been slowly doing it since Jan. 20, 2018 when their corrupt leadership entered the White House. They immediately began turning up the heat - daily -  for the next four years. That pan finally boiled over on January 6, 2021 when they had tried to overturn an election they had lost.

Apparently, we frogs didn't seem to feel the heat.

We have been dragging our feet for more than nine long months. We rounded up more than 600 of the Party's midway monsters who actually stormed our Capitol's doors and windows, but we've allowed the Republican "leadership" to thumb their noses at subpoenas that appear to have toothless threats. It is nearly impossible to understand that many of these traitors hold offices in our Congress! They are walking the halls and streets of our nation's Capitol as free as can be. The simple thought of that happening has boggled my mind for months. 

What is our Justice Department doing about this? Why weren't these treasonous bastards hauled into court on January 7th? We all know who they are and what they have done because most of them have been proud to admit it. They have openly stated that they are moving toward an authoritarian form of government. They have put guardrails in place to ignore voting results, declare the election fraudulent, and give their candidates the win.  

This is familiar to all of us who have watched it happen in other countries. Russia, China, Turkey, and Venezuela are a few. They all still have elections, but their authoritarian leadership mysteriously retains the power to declare their personal choice the winner every time. It can happen in any country. All it takes is a corrupt group like the Republican Party of Trump, their radicalized base of supporters, and - most important - silence from the rest of us!

Nearly half of our states have passed new election laws that will make this possible. An election official placed in the right spot who will have the power to declare an election "rigged" and a governor and legislature to declare the "true" winner.

It's as easy as falling off a log, as they say, and it's all in place in enough states to skew the results of the Electoral College.  

Now, what are you going to do about it?

An Opinion by John Watson

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