Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Montana's GOP is dealing in muck and mire . . .

Montana GOP are fine-tuning Trump's Plan book

Montana's Republican Muckrakers have turned a new corner on corrupt election dealings. They aren't just satisfied with a total control of the Governor's Office and the State Legislature right now, but they want to rig future elections so their control will always be there.

A GOP-leaning special select committee has been requested by at least 86 Republican Legislators to "conduct hearings about the process and security of Montana's 2020 election and propose future changes if needed; including legislation." 

The 2020 election in Montana was certified by Secretary of State Corey Stapleton (R), including random audits of each county according to Montana Law. The Republican Party in the state swept nearly ever race. So, should we be thinking maybe an audit of the 2020 election would be a good idea?

So why have they chosen this year to demand tighter security on our elections? Here is one hint: They are concerned about their ability to hold on to control of Montana offices. The Republican Party of Trump - which stretches deep into Montana - is looking at some severe criticism from the people of America. They also have a very good track record when it comes to rigging elections.  The Trump Train brought more than 70 lawsuits to courts around the country claiming fraudulent voting against Trump. Funny thing: they produced absolutely no evidence and nearly all were thrown out of court by judges - many who were appointed by Trump's administration.

The national GOP is looking at future elections to steal - and Montana's GOP is hitching a ride on the same garbage truck!

Not to be accused of being a single-issue crime scene, these "elephants" are also tampering with the well-being of Montanans as we face the Covid pandemic.  Last Thursday in Helena, three officials threatened and harassed doctors and nurses at St. Peter's Hospital because an eighty-year-old Covid patient and her family were refused the medication Ivermectin. St. Peter's - and all other known hospitals in America - refuse to administer a "livestock de-wormer" because it is not approved by the FDA. It is against all protocol. One of the "officials who threatened the doctors and nurses is assumed to be AG Knudsen."

These marauding maniacs in the Montana Republican Party seem to find endless tactics to harass anyone who doesn't think like they do. 

Their reign over Montana can't end soon enough!


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