Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Arizona Clown Show is Coming to Montana. . .

The Montana GOP is gearing up 
to stop voter fraud

The Republican Party of Trump has decided to fight voter fraud across the country.  They are actively notifying all America voters that the fraud is running rampant and future elections are not to be accepted as valid. If a Democrat should happen to win an election, please know that the result was fraudulently obtained and it will be "audited," the Republican State Election Official will notify their State Legislature of the error, and the State Republican Party Official will overturn the erroneous result and name the "rightful" winner.

Of course, the way this will best work is to inform the public - incessantly - that election results are not to be trusted until the Republican Party of Trump has verified the winner!

Closer to home, the Montana Republican Party of Trump has formed an ad hoc group of naysayer nitwits from the Montana State Legislature to "study the problem of voter fraud in Montana." The fact, however, that no such problem exists in the state is of no importance. 

We can watch for the "Cyber Ninja Clown Show of Arizona" to cross into Montana any day now.

These crazy days tell us there is one thing for certain:  The Republican Party of Trump is nothing if not predictable! They will use the same worn out tune called "The Big Lie" until the cows come home. 

What works for them is whatever the American Voters will swallow. 


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